I have been very happy lately!
I love my classes
My teachers are awesome!
The campus is beautiful
and all of the people I meet are so nice...
plus it is a huge bonus to have Anthony and Amanda
and WIll and janet oh so close!
I was going crazy having no older siblings around.
I bought this purse today!
It is pretty cute...
and totally hold a bunch of crap.
Now I don't have to worry about
my purse falling off my shoulder
anymore, because this one
goes over my head
and I wear it diagonally!
WHOOOHOOO for Hippie clothes!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
5:56 PM
A tribute to my fave band.... SUBLIME!
So as many of you know...
My favorite band is Sublime...
Fuck all you posers that act like you like them...
Ever since I was a little kid and I heard my brother
play Date Rape in his room... I was in Love.
With Brad Knowell that is!
So in the height of my fun in Santa Cruz...
BadFish came to town!
They are a Sublime Tribute band...
along with 3 other amazing bands:
Skawflaws (reminiscent of early No Doubt)
They were all reggae rock groups... similar to Sublime.
They were AMAZING!!!!
Totally awesome.
Especially Fubar... they kicked some major ass!
I think they might be local too... TIGHT!
So anyways, Anthony ( the afore mentioned brother)
and I stood on a bench the whole show
so we could see over the crowds.
When Bad Fish came on... we sang every song.
There were the kids that knew Date Rape, Santeria and What I got of course...
But we new all of them... Pawn Shop, The spanish part in Caress Me down!
It was amazing having the opportunity to sing the lyrics along
with the band that would have made Brad proud.
They definitely did the band justice!
It was Ah-Mazing!
The set list was as follows:
Garden Grove
We are going to Die from our own arrogance
Rivers of Babylon
Wrong Way
Same in the End
Scarlett Begonnias
Waitinf for my rucca
40 oz to freedom
Stolen from an Africa Land...
Pawn Shop
Paddle Out
Boss Dj
Bad Fish
"my goodness"
April 26th 1992
Caress Me Down
Date Rape
Smoke 2 Joints
What I got
Bro Hymn
It was an amazing show... seriously I can die happy now!
It was that fucking good.
I cant wait to see any of these bands again!!!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
5:51 PM
Monday, February 18, 2008
Friends from home.
So this weekend, my second best friend
Tierney came to visit.
We went to the Grand Worthy Advisor's Reception
for IORG... check it out at
It is a serivce group I have been in since I was 11.
My sister-in-Law, miss Slice of Pink herself
got me to join, oh so long ago.
SO anyways.
Tierney came to visit.
Our weekend began in Davis
for the reception.
Janet and I, in our "rainbow attire"
Then after the reception on Sunday we headed to Santa Cruz.
Last night, we went to Downtown
and ate at Pizza My Heart, this amazing lil pizza place.
Then we went to the beach, and Logos the amazing used bookstore.
After that we went to some random house party until like 2am.
It was fun and she got to meet a lot of random college people.
People are soo nice up here.
Today before she left we went to Saturns.
It is a local restaurant that serves only vegetarian food.
Tierney is a vegetarian so that was nifty for her
because our home town has nothing like that.
She is now on the road... and alas, I won't see her
until grand assembly in March... :(
Oh well, all-in-all. The weekend was fun!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:52 PM
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
1 week anniversay.
I bit the bullet...
I took the jump,
I finally did it.
I got a tattoo...
well actually two of them.
One week into my new life in NorCal
I got my tattoos.
EMJ and I went to Staircase,
a local place and got my wrists done!
On another note, the beach is 1.2 miles
from my house!
I drove it today and marked out the mileage!
I will get pics up as soon as I can!
They are on my myspace though in the folder
called moving to NorCal... so go check it out there.
On wrist says Love, with a lil red/black heart
and the other wrist says Peace.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
2:21 AM
Friday, February 8, 2008
and still no charger.
While packing up my room at home,
I put my charger somewhere.
Now I can't find it.
My phone died the first night I was here.
This kinda sucks.
I tried to buy one yesterday...
couldn't find a t-mobile and
then I went to circuit city, radioshack
and costco... none of them had it...
my sidekick is doomed to remain dormant.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:57 AM
Back with style.
So my first day!
After arriving in Santa Cruz at like Midnight Wednesday morning I went straight to bed. I got up around 10 and decided to get ready and go to Downtown. I walked around, went to an amazing thrift store. Where I bought an adorable and very cheap, white polka dot purse! It is super cute. Then I went to Logo's, the used bookstore and bought a Beatles book. I want to one day have the largest collection of Beatles books! I am up to six now! Go me! Considering I only started 2 months ago that is pretty good. So anyways moving onward. While walking around in Downtown, I met a local, who lives on the streets outside 7-11, but decided to venture to downtown. He told me that he was Eric Clapton and obsessed with the number 48. He asked if I had a pen, so I gave him mine and he told me that we could be friends and he was going to write a new song! I thanked him for being so nice and proceeded onward. I then stopped at the Catalyst! The local place for shows. On the 19th they are having a SUBLIME tribute! What... yeah as in my fave band! HOly Crapola! Yeah! I can't wait! So after being super stoked I went back to Anthony and Amanda's because Mandi was going to get off of work. So we hung out and went and looked at a few apartments. Then I went back to downtown to hang out with my friend EmJ who works at the local borders. We hung out and then I decided to go home until she got off work at 10ish. ON my way back to the car, I met another street dweller. This one played Beatles songs on his guitar! HE was AMAZING. He totally made my night. I sat with him for at least 20 minutes. He said that I could be his Lucy, like Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. It was very sweet. I finally got back to my car and went home. Then I decided to go out! But that story can be saved for tomorrow's blog! I kinda want to try and convince my brother to put on Across the Universe instead of The Departed!
Much Love
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:13 AM
It's to late to apologize... it's too late.
Ok, this time... I am back.
I know your like... what the hell you said
that last time and took another break.
Well things got Hectic.. and I mean
like bold HECTIC.
Friend got Cancer, good friends dad died,
school starts next week and... I moved out.
Wait What...?
Yep I finally got out of the shit-hole
known has The Antelope Valley!
I moved to Santa Cruz.
I am currently staying w/ my bro/sis-in-law!
But tomorrow I have an interview for a studio at 11~
Yay. Keep your fingers crossed.
I went to a party last night.
That deserves it's own blog though!
Ok there is a quick update!
I will definetly start posting again!
Sorry for the shotty writing by the way!
I was just so excited to be back on blogger,
that I just didn't care!
Well CIAO!
Just some of my neighbors!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:05 AM