Monday, February 18, 2008

Friends from home.

So this weekend, my second best friend
Tierney came to visit.
We went to the Grand Worthy Advisor's Reception
for IORG... check it out at
It is a serivce group I have been in since I was 11.
My sister-in-Law, miss Slice of Pink herself
got me to join, oh so long ago.

SO anyways.
Tierney came to visit.
Our weekend began in Davis
for the reception.

Janet and I, in our "rainbow attire"

Then after the reception on Sunday we headed to Santa Cruz.
Last night, we went to Downtown
and ate at Pizza My Heart, this amazing lil pizza place.
Then we went to the beach, and Logos the amazing used bookstore.
After that we went to some random house party until like 2am.
It was fun and she got to meet a lot of random college people.
People are soo nice up here.
Today before she left we went to Saturns.
It is a local restaurant that serves only vegetarian food.
Tierney is a vegetarian so that was nifty for her
because our home town has nothing like that.
She is now on the road... and alas, I won't see her
until grand assembly in March... :(
Oh well, all-in-all. The weekend was fun!


Anonymous said...

I had fun! Except for the snacks, which were BS--no steak, no cookie, no baked potato.

NorthBound Riders said...

I know...
7 packs of gummi bears,
and 100 gobstoppers
Tierney left my bowls on the top of
her car when she drove off for the
freeway.... no bowls for me. :(

Janet said...

Oh no! Oh well, we'll just have to have another IKEA trip! At least they were cheap.

Lesli said...

I finally put two & two together--you and Janet are sisters-in-law!

I love you both!

NorthBound Riders said...

Yep, she married my fantastic brother...
Mister Slice of Blue
and now I have a fantatstico sister-in-law!

Anonymous said...

AS IF I didn't feel horrible enough already for smashing the bowls... I think, "Let's check up on that thing of Nicole's." And read THIS.


NorthBound Riders said...

Tierney. I already told you I didn't care. I figured out a fantastic way to eat whatever I need. No worries. haha so remember when we were at that party.. and well if you want to know the rest just call me.