Well I have had two exciting things for Halloween. Last weekend Kathryn through an amazing Halloween party! yay for her. It was a lot of fun. I dressed like a ladybug. Then today(halloween) I helped my mom's office pull off Haight Ashbury in the 60's. We covered the walls in tie-dye sheets and peace signs and flowers and just a bunch of cool stuff. We made a "head shop" it was a bunch of fun!
Ok well here are some pics!
Peace and Love guys and
Stay safe tonight.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
3:08 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Two things that are gone...
Black Cherry Lemonande Slurpees. What the HEll. I mean how can you get a better combination than that. But they don't have it anymore. I have only ever gotten it in Duarte, but rgh it was soooo good! I want it now. I would drive to 7-11 but it is kinda in the ghetto... I don't want to go there now.
The second thing I miss is this little treat that Starbucks use to have. Janet, Will and I went to Santa Monica for Will's CBEST. On the way back there was this wicked bad fire and we thought we wern't going to be able to get home. Thus we stopped at Starbucks. They had this chocolate and caramel cookie bar thing. The store only had one and they dude behind the counter says I wouldn't get that. Janet and I both quizzically look at him and say that it looks scrumptous. But the guy tells us that they aren't ever going to make them again and that if we had 1 we would want another. WELL DAMNIT I WANT ANOTHER 1. If someone got me the recipe.. I would make them a batch too! Even if it was right now. I would go on a baking binge! Ok well Got to go!
I am going to go to AMPM for a slurpee!
Peace out
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:36 AM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I am the cats meow!
This is Uganda
I want to go there
Send me to Uganda damnit...
I guess that is being a little pushy.
but what can I say.
I'm pushy and
I want to go there.
Well I want to leave here...
That is 7 cats
are they my cats?
but you get the gist.
I have 7 kittens and they all suck
Mine are cuter than the ones above though.
I had the weirdest phone conversation tonight
I'm not going into details... but OMG!
Janet... it tops the one you encountered
at our last gathering!
Ok well I am done posting.
I will probably acutally think of something else
and post again!
Ok peace and Love
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:18 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
This is bouquet canyon fire....I just heard that David and Ciara, my brother's, brother and sister-in-law were evacuated from San Diego. Anthony's mother-in-law Norma is also on watch for evacuation because of the Bouquet Canyon fire. This is no good. I drive that route all the time. This really sucks. Hopefully it wont come here. Though it seems we are going to be lucky because it isn't that smokey here yet and it is movieng the other direction. RGH. this Sucks. Ok well I wish everyone the best of luck. Peace and Luv and stay smart.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
1:56 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Ok well I got my costume! yay. It is a lady bug. It is red w/ black spots and shiny stuff on the top, it comes with wings and antennas, and cute red and black stockings with daisys on the tops. The Pic below is basically what it looks like, but instead of the solid black top it is the same material all around and it is halter top, with shiny black sequins that line the v-part of the shirt.I love it! Thanks for all the ideas Janet. You rock my world! I can't wait to wear it next weekend!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:57 PM
More Frightening than the monsters....
I went to Magic Mountain yesterday for Fright Fest. It was super packed... I mean we had to park in the back lot. I didn't even know they had a back lot. Eww it was dirt and hello have you noticed the wind lately. Yeah that sucked. The rides were super crowded, so we only got to ride a few and we didn't go to any of the mazes because the lines were way to long. But we did get to ride Collasus backwards and that was fun, except for the fact that I hurt my hip. But there was one thing that was truly frightening last night. Tatsu is the newest ride that Magic Mountain has. It is one of the typical thrill coasters. You sit in the seat and then it pulls you backwards so it is like you are lying on your stomach and you do the ride head first. But lets not get ahead of ourselves. The line was 2 hours long. While waiting in line, there was a DJ playing music next to the ride. Scott, Sarah's boyfriend comments, "Oh they are playing Beat It... cool." These guys infront of us turn around and say, "NO, that is Billie Jean." That began the conversation. There were three guys, who all came from Irvine. Being the talkative person I am, I comment, Oh my brother went to UCI. They both say, hey so did we. One guy was really random and just kinda sat on the ground and crawled around every time the line moved. (He was kookoo bananas if you know what I mean.) But the other two kept talking. For the whole two hour wait. From movies to music and random literature. It was so boring. But I smiled and listened and they talked. Scott and Sarah were both like WTF are they talking about. But whatever. So as we progress, the 6-5 guy that kept directing his conversation at me says, " So do you want to get some beers after this? Maybee some Whiskeys?" I am like uhhh I don't have an idea. Then later it gets around to the question of how old are you guys. Sarah and I are like 19 and Scott says he is 24. So we recipricate and ask how old they are... Well the guy that was hitting on me, graduated in 1995. FROM UCI. Ugh. He graduated high school in 1990. He is like well I graduated high school in 1990. I said, cool, I was two. Then he chilled on the hitting on me for a bit. Twenty minutes later he started again. Thank the lord that my line went faster and I got off the ride before him. So after that we walked back to our car and it took 1 hour. 1 hour, to get from the parking lot to the freeway. WHich is usually a 1 minute drive. Rgh. But overall it was entertaing and I got out of the AV! yay. Hope the colts do great tomorrow. Peace and Love guys!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:39 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Strawberry Feilds Forever?
So I totally saw Across the Universe last night. OMG it was AMAZING. It is so vivid and full of life, I could see it a million times. I will totally buy it on dvd when it comes out and I hope that someone does a live production of it. Kinda like how they have Rocky Horror Picture Show down in Santa Monica this movie could totally become like that. It was that amazing. I just can't stop talking about it. AHHHH go see it damn it! I mean it get up off your computer and go check it out and then come back and comment me on it. DOn't want to go alone? Thats cool. Call me and I will come with you! It is that good! Ok well Friends is on and I want to go watch it because I think Sex and the City is on next! So peace out!
Tomorrow is Sarah's birthday so you should call her and give her a whats up!
Peace out baby!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:35 PM
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Vroom, Vroom
I learned to ride a bike. Nope not a dirt bike or a motorcycle. But a peddle bike. IDK why I didn't learn when I was a kid, but what the hell. I know now! Yay go me! One big thanks to Sarah because she taught me. My ass was sore for a week and my leg is mega bruised but I know how to ride a bike! YAY I can't wait to try some of those nor-cal bike paths!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
8:02 PM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Hey Jude
Tonight was SO much fun! Tonight was the Beatles sing-along. I got to hang out with Sarah and Scott and my mom and I even saw a few friends from high school and Dino was there too. They played an amazing list of songs which included: Come Together, Hey Jude, Helter Skelter, I am the Walrus, Across the Universe and soooo much more! It was really fun. Everybody really got into it and there was just a fun vibe. I can't wait to get out of the so-cal not so fun vibe! It seems like Nor-cal will be like "Beatles Night" all the time! Ok well I am going to go read my book. I am currently in the trilogy of Icewind Dale, by R.A Salvatore! I suggest his stories they are quite addicting. Have a great weekend all. CIAO!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:30 PM
Friday, October 5, 2007
Calling all Beatles fans!
So Saturday at the college (avc), the activites department is hosting a Beatles sing-along! YAY. I am really frickin excited. I guess since Across the Univers is taking so long to get here I will go to this to pass the time! Sarah and I are going to dress up really cute and go! yay. My mom is going to come and some friends aswell it should be really fun! Yay. I can't wait. If anyone wants to come feel free. It is saturday at the college at 6 in the blackbox! Ok well hope to see you there!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
1:06 AM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Two things I am really into lately!
Man I have found myself addicted to two things lately. The first is the show Scrubs. No I am not a retard and just found the show... but I just started watching it like on the daily and man I love it! JD is so funny, and the Janitor totally keeps it real! I also love Doctor Cox! If you haven't seen Scrubs you should totally check it out.
My second addiction is Chronic... Tacos! MHHHMMMMM. On Tuesday they have "taco tuesday" and you get two tacos for 2 bucks. They are gi-normous so it is totally worth it. I am definitley going to miss it when I move to Nor-Cal. I went there tonight with some friends and my lil brother ordered 4 tacos for himself.... HOLY MOLEY! They are huge. Then he made me take him to MCdonalds for and ice cream and he got 2 chicken wraps aswell. I don't see how people can eat that much. Oh well it was a good time! At the local college this weekend there is this Beatles tribute thing. I totally want to go. It should be wicked fun. Oh and my search for a job might have come to an end. A lady is looking for a babysitter for saturday and sundays. She want them to work from 2pm-2am. man that is nuts. One child is 5 and the other is 8. I hope I get it. I love working with kids. I will keep you posted! Ok well I am outie scrubs comes on at 12 and I think I hear Friends on the T.V in my room!
Adios Muchacos(sp) Meh... who cares if I spell it right!
Just to make you jealous here is a pic of one of the tacos! Mhhhm
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:38 PM