It's rainy today!
I like the rain.
but I don't like today.
I couldn't fall asleep
last night.
I tossed and turned
until like 5am.
THen I got up at 8:30.
if you know me...
I don't get up that early
Fucked up thoughts
just kept going through my head.
Hopefully things will chill down.
Everyone is all stressed out
with what is going on
and every where I turn
there is something about it.
Getting away this weekend will be good.
and I like the rain!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Take a sad song and make it better.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:35 AM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Send her naughty messages....
This is Tierney
She is my friend.
I picked that picture for 2 reasons.
1. you can see up her nose.
2. I think it is funny that the
american flag and peace hands are in the same pic....
She keeps an online journal..
she won't tell me the URL
Because she write ABOUT me
on there.
hahah so she gets a blog
about her!
She is my number 2 best friend.
Am I hers...
no because she names anyone cool
enough to have a conversation
with her... her bestfriend a
minute later!
Tell me your secrets little girl!
I haven't even told you about
the boy.
So tell me yours and I will fill
you in.
Now you are dying to know..
Oh well....
I posted it on some super secret
website that nobody knows about.
HMMM what now!
So anyways...
my dear blogger friends
You should stay away from
her like the plague!
Send her random messages
on myspace hitting on her
and what not!
She actually wants it!
So do it!
We are trying to socialize her!
So go now!!
Oh and she doesn't even
have me on her top friends...
she is going DOWN!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:41 PM
For those of you who knew Erica ..she passed away this morning
Please pray for her family in this hard time :(
Make you sure you tell everyone you love and care about how you feel..don't let the moment pass you never know when it's going to be too late
Wow I just found out
that this girl I went
to High School with
passed away this morning.
It seems so nuts.
Her dad and mine use
to coach baseball together.
This really suck.
THis one is for her.
RIP Erica .
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
7:37 PM
This Morning.
I sneezed 8 times.
In a row.
Thank god I wasn't driving.
That would have been
a catastrophe!
WHy do we make that noise?!?!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:29 PM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I have a list.
Here I will share it.
Be forwarned.
It will be completley random!
1. I made dinner tonight.
2. It included Crannberry/Orange Muffins. MmMM!
3. I would LaLa Love a slurpee right now.
1. I'm cold.
2. The heater in MY room doesn't work...
(am I selfish for pointing that out?)
3. I want to see Across the Universe again.
1. Boys are dumb.
2. Well not all boys.
3. I miss SOME of my family.
4. Other just seem to ALWAYS be there.
... and not in that warm fuzzy kinda way.
Things I love:
1. My puppy. who is watching me write.
2. Mandarin Salad dressing from work!!
3. My warm wannabee UGG boots.
4. The fact that I get to go to Vegas this weekend.
Things I hate:
1. My yucky car
2. My messy lil bro's room.
3. The fact that The Hills and Gossip girl are on once a week.
4. People that can't just stop.
do you get it. SHUT UP.
I don't want to hear you ramble on.
blah blah blah blah blah.
Get over it.
If I didn't have to talk to you.
I wouldn't.
Ok sorry for the rant.
I start thinking about
one thing and then the mind and fingers
just start going...
and then I am a paragraph in...
and oh shit, I've hurt someone's feeling.
Oh Well...
Life's a garden... dig it!
Peace and Love.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
10:19 PM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
My Hair Pt.2
Well it's done.
It is a lot more subtle
than the pic below.
But it looks really good.
YOu can see the red in the sun
and the blonde is very pretty!
And yes I did it myself.
Well with Sarah's help.
Ok she did most of it!
Well all of it!
But you get the gist.
Here is the kick.
My little brother Jimmy.
Has a friend named Andrew.
Andrew wanted his hair dyed.
So we did blonde spots around his head.
Red tips on his faux-hawk
and the rest of his faux-hawk is blonde.
He looks like an idiot!
That is what they get.
because there room smells like ASS.
Ok Nighty Night guys.
Don't do anything I wouldn't!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:51 PM
My Hair.
I am currently in the process of dying my hair.
Yes... for those of you that know me.
AGAIN. I can't help it.
I like change.
The picture above is kinda
like what I am going to do.
Except there will be brown in there
too! So blonde, red and brown.
Hopefully it turns out ok!
I'll post a pic when it is done tomorrow.
Peace and Love.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
5:35 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Paris Hilton
I don't get why people have such a hate for Paris Hilton.
Yes she is spoiled.
Yes she has made some mistakes...
but so is and has most of the American Population.
Now don't get me wrong...
The American Population isn't
as spoiled as our little Heiress...
but who cares.
Her life is brodcast to the millions
every day. She can't go pee
without being posted on TMZ.
So back to the question...
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:09 PM
This pic didn't show up on my last blog...
Will is the one holding the dog
yay for random family pics!!!!!!
This was from Christmas eve three years ago!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
10:51 PM
I think my Bro's gone crazy.
This is my brother Will.
Growing up he was always
the prime example of good in my eyes.
My parents wanted us to be like him.
Now there is no complaining there...
he is a FANTASTIC guy.
This weekend he came home for Thanksgiving.
I don't know if it was the turkey
or being back in the Antelope Valley..
but he went NUTS.
He was dancing with my dog
and rolling around on the ground
and singing songs.
Just being overly NUTS.
I liked it a lot.
Usually Anthony and I are pegged
as the "weird" kids.
We are the middle children...
into weird heavy metal. blah blah blah
but not this week!
Will took the cake.
So my hat is tipped for you.
I liked it and I wish I could
have got to spend more time with
you growing up!
I can't wait to get up there
and see this crazyness on
the semi-routine visits
that will be our life.
Much Love.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
10:43 PM
MMM Good!
I baked cookies for Thanksgiving.
Lots of cookies.
Like 10 dozen.
Chocolate chip, Kiss Cookies, Oatmeal Raisin.
Now as the holiday week comes to an end.
(it ends today for me..)
I regret all the damn cookies.
Why did they have to be there...
taunting tempting.
Yes this is a metaphor about
other things....
but the cookies too.
You just have to take a bite.
and after that bite...
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:59 PM
Black Friday.
OMG! A pink Mac! I want it!!!!!!!
AHHHH. I need one for xmas sooo bad.
and a pink digital camera to match.
The day after Thankgiving is Black Friday.
It is the start of Holiday shopping.
This year the news reported
16.4 Billion spent on Friday alone.
THough that number will be
surpassed today.
News agencies report
that while on the computer today
people will spend...
70 BILLION dollars.
That is for internet shopping alone.
How do I get in contact with these people.
That is nuts.
I see the benifit though.
YOu don't have to fight through the crowds
and it is delivered to you!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
1:59 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
When the Music died.
This is Hawthorne Heights.
They are famous for such songs as:
Ohio is for Lovers
Nikki FM
Saying Sorry... etc.
I have had the pleasure to see them twice.
Today I heard some sad news though
Guitarist Casey Calvert
Passed away in his sleep.
Check out there myspace
if you want to here the details
from the band.
This sucks.
Here is to Casey.
Rest in Peace Man.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
8:28 PM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Gobble Gobble.
So Thankgiving starts in 30 minutes. I can't wait. It means that our family gets together. There are a few peices missing to our puzzle, but what can you do! I hope they have a great holiday though!! So looking back, I am thankful for the great friends and family that I have! Much love to you all!
Here is a pic of a few special members of my "family!"
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:26 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
In case you were wondering...
My last blog I was venting.
I saw a show on WE called Secret Lives of Women
and it was on wives who cheat.
That is where I got my aggression from.
I am going on a date this week.
Random huh?
I have work tomorrow and sunday!
Yay that means I am making money.
Money to pay my bills
and move away!
I re-did my room.
I took a couch out
moved the bed
and finished my wall of peace.
It is pretty nifty.
The freezer at our house if
full of pie!
But we can't eat it until
Damn Pilgrims!!!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
1:16 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Why Cheat?
To act dishonestly; practice fraud.
To violate rules deliberately, as in a game: To be sexually unfaithful.
Those are's definition of cheating.
DO any of them sound good?
I don't think so.
What the fuck is the point of cheating on someone.
Your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife?
DO you really want to hurt them?
If so... you are EVIL.
WHy even get into a relationship with them.
People aren't stupid.
If you are cheating someone probably knows.
No one is perfect at hiding the clues.
I think people deserve to be treated better.
Tell the GodDamn truth
for once in your life.
Just come out with it.
So you might hurt the other person
would you rather lie to them?
This just comes down to once again
my disgust with the general population
it seems everyone is cheating everyone.
So do you have an answer to my question?
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
4:39 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
So after that last blog I need to chill.
My first day of work was nice.
My feet hurt really bad though because
I stand on them all day.
I also definetely have a bigger
appreciation for those that work
in the restaurant buisness.
You have so much to do.
Clean the floor, mop, sweep,
clean the bathrooms, fix the toilet paper,
get me toast, I need extra dressing.
It is a lot of work!
Do you know that if you dirty the tablecloth
we change them right then and there. As soon
and you leave, I go and get new tablecloths.
So come on people. Eat nicely!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:42 PM
If my car was full of gas right now I would get in it and leave.
Do you ever have those thoughts.
Just pick up and go.
That is what I want to do.
I hate being here.
Everything about it.
There are only a few good things.
Sarah. She is a good thing in my life.
My mom. Sometimes she is pretty alright too.
The rest of it.
Fuck it.
I could pick up and leave
and never look back.
I'm just venting.
But really
as soon as I have money
enough to get our apartment.
I am out of this shit hole.
Fuck I really hate life right now.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:38 PM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Why can't we just get along?
I have found myself just sick at the American population lately. Today I went to Target and Payless to buy my work clothes. (I got a job at GreenHouse in the Mall.) While we were leaving Payless, with my ugly slip-resistent shoes, some dumb teenagers walked by. They yelled into the store at the cashier,"Holy SHit, We didn't kill Suddam." They guy looked a little bewildered, but didn't show emotions about it. I think I got more offended. This guy, working his shitty job, to support his family, has to deal with that shit. What the fuck did he do to them? Rgh I hate people.
Then I found out that Quartz Hill High was picked by KISS FM to be in the "Pimp my School" competition. Some student entered via the radio and they one. So Ryan Seacrest and "JO-Jo" on the radio went to QHHS, with cameras filmin and Mark Bryant the principal turned them away. What an asshole. They were going to equipt the school with new supplies and a bomb ass concert! RGGH FUCK MARK BRYANT. HE just hasn't been in good favor with his students lately. First he presses the ridiculous charges against Rocky and now this crap.
I really really hate the AV.
But on a good note.... Tomorrow is Friday and I begin my job!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
8:06 PM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Your American Duty...
Did you vote today? I did. Though there were only 3 ballot points. YES on 3,8,11. That is what it came down to. How frickin exciting.
Well I am feeling a little better. Though I still have a bad cough. This week started off good though, so I can't wait to see what happens. My mom made a cherry pie! MMMM thank god for Sarah Lee! I have found myself kinda taking long showers, which is bad because we are in a draught. In the background the preview for the news was on and a little girl has been born with 4 arms and 4 legs. How does that happen? More importantly if this "thing" called God really exists why would he do that to some inocent child. But lets not get into theology.
Seinfeld is on right now! It is totally the Soup Nazi episode and I love that one! So I am going to go watch it. Peace out!
I want a tattoo! Like now! I designed one tonight. It is pretty nifty. 2 big flowers which spread into a wave which crashes into a peace sign. It looks pretty tight. It is even cooler in my mind, but it seems that everything ends up that way!
Nighty night friends.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
10:04 PM
Friday, November 2, 2007
The Excorcist.
Do you remember the scene where Regan turns around and spits that green shit out of her mouth. Well that is what I have felt like lately. For the last couple of days I have been coughing up something nasty and i've had a fever and just gross. My throat hurts like it is Armageddon. Rgh. Ok well I am going to go back to bed. Today I watched THe Godfather. That was nifty!
Ok peace out.
Hopefully I get better.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:50 PM