Tonight I decided to take the plunge.
I wanted to re-arrange my room
because though my brother isn't
coming home for xmas
his friend Mike and his two friends were.
They love to stay in my room because
it is fun and there is always something
to look at.
SO I started cleaning tonight.
While trying to move my TV
the cable cord became wrapped around
my foot. I sat the TV down
and tried to step out of it.
I tripped, just about flipped over
and essentially ripped the cord from
the back of my TV. OOPS.
My father disapprovingly shook his head
as he tried to fix it... but alas.
My TV is dead.
I turned to my mom and said,
"Is it to late to ask Santa to bring me a tv too?"
She said she shall see...
Maybe it will be a flat screen!
I guess I will have time to catch up on my reading!
Which by the way I joined a new site!
It is fantastic.
You put in the books you've read and want to read
and then you can make reviews. You can
also find friends...
I guess it is like myspace for smart kids!
Well I am off for the night!
RIP MY TV.... 2001-2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
And then disaster struck...
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:28 AM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
My Classes
I registered for my classes today.
Here is my schedule.
Monday/Wednesday - Spanish 1 1-3pm 4 units
Monday - History 2/A 6-9pm 3 units
Online - Spanish Lab 1 Unit
Tuesday/Thursday - Intro to Philosophy 9-11am 3 units
Tuesday/Thursday - Math 254 1-3pm 3 units
Thursday - Political Science 6-9pm 3 units
Soooo anybody have any of those books?!?!
Have a great night friends!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
7:18 PM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
What if santa was lactose?
I begin my holiday baking today!
I am going to start with Chocolate chunk cookies!
I usually do most of the baking by myself because
my mom gets tired from all the shopping and what not.
So what should I amke this year?
I usally do up gift packs for the neighbors
and send everybody home with some yummy treats!
Here is my list:
Peanut Butter
Chocolate Chip
Oatmeal Raisin
Macaroons (never done it b4 but my Aunt K has a recipe for me)
Oh and thumprint cookies.
So my fellow bloggers...
what are you favorite cookies
and do you have any recipes I could try out?
I love learning to cook new things
and i've never heard of too many cookies...
Though maybe I should have when we ended up
with like 3 dozen extra oatmeal raisin
at thanksgiving time.
Oh well... OOPS!
So send me your favorite holiday cookie type!
Peace and Love
and remember to be happy!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
3:32 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
It is quite cold in our
little desert.
They are projecting rain
for the next couple days.
I can't even see out to Tehaccapi
which is about 30 miles away.
Usually you can see the moutains
but not with this cloud coverage!
It is kinda eerie!
I got some shopping done today.
I bought a gift for Tierney, Sarah and Janet.
I also got myself a nice warm coat!
With a furry hood.
But not real fur... because that sux.
But faux-fur and I love it!
It is just a typical snowboarding type
but it is very cute!
I hope we get snow!!!!
THis is they type of coat I got.
But mine is white
and it has little silver things on it.
It is from Billabong.... but I couldn't
find a pic of the exact one!
Next thing on my list.
Finish shopping
and buy a sparkly dress for our party!!!
I think I'll wait for Janet to come home
and then we could go together!
So get here sista!
I missin that girl bond!
Don't worry Mandi
I didn't forget about you!
I have a countdown going
unitl we get to hang out!
Like really I made number and I rip
them off every day waiting unitl we get to hang out!
I did it for the first day of school
but hopefully it will be sooner than that!!!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
3:52 PM
This is the Santa Cruz boardwalk!
I am moving to NorCal.
I found out last week that I start
college on February 11th so
I am finally going.
I am on a waitlist for dorm
housing but even if that doesn't
work out I am applying for a student
loan so I can get my own apartment!
Or room... w/e!
But no matter what, come january
I am out of this shit hole!!!!!!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
3:45 PM
Well I have been gone for awhile.
I have had blogging withdrawls,
but I am back and in full force.
As promised I would love to fill you
in on my "family reunion"
Well my crazy aunt ended up buying
me a study bible for my bible school...
which I'm not attending.
She wore too much lipstick that covered her
teeth.. yuck!
She mixed drinks w/ her meds which made her
even crazier...... AHHHH.
My uncle (her husband)
was amazing as ever.
He cooked for us.
On sunday morning he made a huge breakfast for
the whole family and we watched the football games.
I kinda got drunk w/ my cousin.
He drank about 20 more beers than I did...
but whose counting.
We sang karaoke all night...
I think we did Hotel California 5x!
All in all it was pretty alright!
I got to hang w/ my fam
and though some are crazy...
the ones that aren't were definetely
worth being around!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
3:41 PM
Monday, December 10, 2007
With the friends that count.
I am planning a new years party!
This week I will take on the invitation!
This party should be pretty fun.
We are going to have a desert bar!
Yep, that was correct.
All the goodies you could want.
We are doing black and silver!
It should be fun.
It's my parents 20th anniversary.
Of the day the met.
They didnt marry.
But who cares... 20 and counting!
Anyways any suggestions people?
Things to do at a new years gala event?!?!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
1:08 PM
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Hero of the Day!!!
He rocks my world.
If I hooked up with an older man...
it would be him!
He is stomping ass against the Ravens right now!
WOOHOO!!!!!! Go Colts!
The last I checked it was 37-7!
and it was only the 2nd quarter.
My baby is doing amazing tonight!!!!
Lets vote Manning and Tomlinson 08!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
7:10 PM
Isn't this train just perfect! It is located in Chicago!!! I am going there next summer for a trip to a convention! I want to ride the PINK train!! I have never been on a real train. I go metro... but one day I would like to take a long trip, a read a good book and just hang out on the train! How about in 2012! Who wants to come? I should be done with all of my schooling and pack from the peace corps!!! HAHA. So 2012 it is. Anybody going to join me? It will be like a big sleepover!
Ok. I am still freezing. Last night a few friends and myself went up to the aquaduct. We thought that if it was going to snow it would be cool to see it from the highest point in our valley! Well I left my coat at home. So it's 1am, raining and very cold... and I have no coat! What is a girl to do? Well I danced. My Best Friend and I did a little ballet number to keep us warm. To say the least it was a very entertaining night and the most fun I have had at the aquaduct! Even though now... I might have hypothermia! But that is the price you pay for ballet!
Have a great sunday everyone!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
1:22 PM
I want Snow!
It is FREEZING outside right now.
It has been raining off and on since thursday.
Some people are saying that it might snow
tonight or tomorrow!
That would be amazing!
We don't see snow that often.
I want a new job.
One that will let me have ridiculous hours.
I need to work 40 hours a week
so I can move out of SoCal
and I would prefer to work from like
11pm-7am! That would be rockin!
I am going to apply at every hotel
available! 1 down... 20 to go!
Ok well everyone do a snow dance for me!
I recommend the Soulja Boy dance...
it's fun and good cardio!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:39 AM
Friday, December 7, 2007
Sex Obsessed Boys...and girls!
Do you know what the "Angry Dragon" is?
I don't... well I didn't.
SO my friend.
He will remain nameless
Says.. I'll show you the angry dragon
Is it good?
Then I knew I was heading down the
path of sex talk...
Great... I reply.
So what exactly is this angry dragon I ask?
He Replies..."it's when u push down on your head right before i cum so you choke and it comes out ur nose"
"Ewww That does not sound very nice " I replied.
Why one earth would you do that?
Why not is the question you should be asking... I assume...
Right I assure myself... Hmm should be an entertaining evening lol.
Especially the way my conversation is already going.
YOu can't get better when in the last 10 minutes the these are a few
of the words recieved...
Zelda, Fallacio, Ass, Nerd, WII and Drunk!
Ciao my fellow bloggers!
Have a delicous friday
and stay away from any body fluids coming out your nose!
Pun Intended!!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
10:13 PM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Holly Jolly Christmas!
Stolen from Lesli :
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I am a fan of wrapping paper because you can add your own special touch. Even plain paper can be made into something beautiful.
2. Real tree or Artificial? I personally haven't had a real tree at MY house, but last year my brother's best friend bought a tree so I could decorate it! But I think an artificial tree will do! As long as you have a christmas-ie candle to set the mood!
3. When do you put up the tree? My mom, bestfriend and myself always set the tree up the day after thanksgiving!
4. When do you take the tree down? New Years Day. I always wake up.. at about noon and my mom went all crazy and put everything away.
5. Do you like eggnog? No... I am a fan of cider!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? When I was a kid I shared a room with my little brother and one Christmas my parents built on an extra room (sorta) for me!
7. Do you have a nativity scene? I think we have one. Though it isn't out...
8. Hardest person to buy for? Umm everyone. I try to be intuitive!
9. Easiest person to buy for? Myself! I know what I want already.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Definitely regular mail. I love opening up the cute cards!
11 .Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Umm once I got a sports greates accident video... and my lil bro gave me a ceramic clown! But it is the thought that counts... right?
12 . Favorite Christmas Movie? Home for the Holidays
13 . Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Oh, yes. Who needs 20 bath and body sets??
14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Chocolate covered cherries, and ham!
15 . Clear lights or colored on the tree? We have a mixutre of both! I like things a little crazy!
16 . Favorite Christmas song? I like the Drummer Boy song!
17. Travel at Christmas or stay home? I like being at home with my family.
18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? On dasher and dancer and prancer and vixen on comet and cupid and donner and blitzen! But do you recall... the most famous reindeer of all.. Rudolph~!
19. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? We open our christmas Pj's on Christmas eve and then read Twas the Night Before Christmas and then on Christmas morning we all have to get up annoyingly early to do everything else.
20. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Rude people. Come on people... be happy!
21 . Favorite ornament theme or color? My favorite ornaments are my Gone with the Wind Scarlett and Rhett bulbs!
22. When do you start shopping for Christmas? A few weeks before Christmas. I am horrible. I never know what I am going to get.
23. What, do you want for Christmas this year? A white Macbook laptop computer, a Pink digital camera, The Hlls on dvd, Scrubs on Dvd and Laguna Beach on DvD!
24. Angel or Star on top of tree? I always ALWAYS put the angel on the top! My dad use to put me on his shoulders and let me do it! Now I am taller and do it by myself!
25. What do/did you leave for Santa? Chocolate chip cookies and Milk and some carrots for the reindeer. We also go out in the street on Christmas eve and sprinkle oatmeal and glitter all over the place as Reindeer food. We know... we are too old. But come on... the chance to throw glitter all over the street! It is sooo much fun!
If you have kids I would recommend doing the "reindeer food" thing! It is a lot of fun!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:06 PM
The cutest of Cousins.
I have a nightly ritual...
I sign onto the computer
Check my myspace
Check my blog
and then check my email.
Tonight I recieved an interesting email.
It reads:
Hi Nicole!!
> It's me Autumn.
> I wanted to say hi.I haven't heard from you in a while.
> So... I heard you might go to Bible college. That's cool.
> So this is my new e-mail address. Don't e-mail me at my old one.
> See you at the Christmas Party!!
> Love your dearest Little Cuz,
> Autumn (:
WoW I replied to myself. My 9 year old cousin thinks I am going to bible college. WHAT???? I am one of the least religous people I know. So what does that mean? At our "family reunion"/christmas party next weekend my whole family is going to think that I am going to "bible school." Great.... If my cousin Autumn heard this that means that her parents heard it which means my Aunt told them. I don't get it. How random. I mean really. My aunt is kinda koo koo bananas. At one point in time she thought I attended Harvard... huh?! Now don't get me wrong I love her... and I know everyone has a few nuts hanging from their family tree... but why church school lol. Oh well. What can I say. I guess I will tell you guys what happens at our family spectacular! I am sure... it will be enough crazy to leave a little smile on your face when you are dealing with your own brand of family oddities.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
10:37 PM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
You've got me ten feet off the ground.
Another List
of complete Randomness.
1. I hate STUPID drama.
2. I am hyped for my New Years Party
3. I am going to buy a sparkly dress
4. Hot tea sounds amazing about now.
5. Thinking about people that cheat... and I want to gag.
6. I miss Anthony and Amanda
7. The DaVinci Code will never have the same meaning
8. I hear the opening song for Sex and the City!!!!
9. Scrubs is in it's last season :(
10 I don't really need any of the things on my xmas list.
11 Well I DO NEED a bed.
12 I want to take a family portrait.
13 With Janet and Amanda of course!!
14 I have to go to some fancy smancy dinner... blah
15 Gossip Girl is an AMAZING show.
16 I am going to take a dance class over intersession.
17 Modern I think.. but not sure yet.
18 I use to dance.
19 For 12 years actually... then I got busy.
20 I hate my car
21 Almost as much as I hate your dumb drama.
22 I am going to go watch Sex and the City!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:57 PM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
"I'm not mad at you but...."
Smart people read the constitution.
It is the foundation of our country.
In it are the rules that I live my life by.
Here I would like to point out
one part in particular...
Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Freedom of speech is the concept of being able to speak freely without censorship. It is often regarded as an integral concept in modern liberal democracies. The right to freedom of speech is guaranteed under international law through numerous human rights instruments, notably under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, although implementation remains lacking in many countries. The synonymous term freedom of expression is sometimes preferred, since the right is not confined to verbal speech but is understood to protect any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
5:26 PM
Monday, December 3, 2007
Gossip is pointless.
So stop talking shit.
Especially on my blog.
If you don't know...
you don't need to know.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
3:24 PM