You know what drives me nuts? Well don't worry if you can't answer that question because why would I have asked if I wasn't going to write about it below. Ok so girls will spend money on buying an amazing dress for something and then only wear it once. So WTF do we do will all of the dresses that you only wear once. I want to have a dress up party and you have to come in a nice dress that you have only had the opportunity to wear once. It can be like a black and white event... but not so two-shaded! YAY. SO all you nor-cal people... listen up! Party sometime in like November or December. When does your winter break begin? Lets do it. YEAH!!!! Ok let me know what you think.
On the happenings of my life. Things are going well. I am about to go to the movies with some friends. I saw Good Luck Chuck last week and it is totally funny. I recommend it for all fans of comedy! I think we are going to see The Kingdom tonight. Hmm that has yet to be determined. Oh an update on my cousins house. They found one good fingerprint so they think csi might be able to register who the people are through there data base. Hopefully they find some thing out. I am totally ready to get out of this valley. Tomorrow I have set a goal for myself to find a job. I am going to get a full time job so I can make as much money as possible. Pay the rest of my bills and then hopefully have found an apartment in Santa Cruz by them. Ugh I am going insane again living here. MY HOUSE SUCKS! Blah. Oh well that must be my teenage angst. Ok well I am going to go like curl my hair or something!
Peace and Love
I can't wait to go to the mountains and behold this!
Oh I love winter! Cute Sweaters and all.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Party it up.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
6:18 PM
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Once they had the Jena 6... Now we have the Palmdale 4.
Well I am sure that all of you have heard of the Jena six. It is a horrible story about racism, hate and violence. Tonight I was educated on something similiar happening in our valley. Below is a story taken from google about a high school in my area.
Protest rally to be held in Knight High arrests
Article Last Updated: 09/28/2007 01:05:00 AM PDT
PALMDALE - A rally to protest the arrest of three Knight High School students and a parent who scuffled with a security guard over spilled birthday cake will be held today at the east Palmdale campus.
Protest organizers said a security guard twisted the arm of 16-year-old Pleajhai Mervin behind her back and slammed her against a lunch table, breaking her wrist. The fight was reportedly caught on videotape by a student.
"I'm hoping a lot of people will show up so we can stand up for our rights," said Mervin's mother, Latrisha Majors. "This is not fair. We can't allow security guards to abuse our children."
Majors, her daughter, the student who taped the incident and his sister were arrested on suspicion of battery Sept. 18.
The students were suspended from school, and Majors spent the night in jail before being released by deputies the next morning, Majors said.
Organizers said they expect more than 100 parents and students to be at the protest scheduled for 7 a.m. at the school.
Antelope Valley Union High School District officials said they could not comment specifically on the incident, which is being investigated.
"Our goal (today) is to make sure kids can get into school and into class and make it a normal school day," Assistant Superintendent Tim Azevedo said in reference to the protest.
Organizer Najee Ali, director of Project Islamic Hope, referred to the four arrested as the Palmdale Four, reminiscent of the Jena Six beating case in Louisiana where the arrest of six African-American students sparked a debate about racism.
Ali said race is involved in the Palmdale case. He said other black parents have complained about mistreatment and a double standard at Knight High and other Antelope Valley high schools.
"This situation of black students being beaten and mistreated by racist high school staff members is reminiscent of the Old South," Ali said. "We are seeing a continued national pattern of black students being abused, whether it's the Jena Six or whether it's the Palmdale Four."
(661) 267-5744
Man I think this is so crazy. Our valley use to be semi-safe, but this sucks. Just last week my cousin's house was completley ransaked. WHoever stole the wall safe, all of my cousin's guns and pee'd on their bed. They completley ruined everything including my cousin's hw for the eigth grade. They had seminal fluid on her hw. WTF? Why are people so screwed up. Ugh I really hate living here.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:28 AM
Monday, September 24, 2007
Well, it's that time of the year again. As the night of All Hallows eve approaches, I find myself wondering what costume I am going to where. I own a really cute crinalin skirt that you put under like a maid costume and I really need to use it. It cost like 40 bucks and I've only worn it twice. So give me some ideas people. What should i be?
I want a list of the top 5 choices!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:20 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
OMG! So Amazing
So this morning, Kevin told me to go check out everyone running for the Presidency in 2008. He had stumbled upon a list and found some interesting characters. We found the most amazing by far running under the republican party. His name is Jesus Micheal Archangel. He is the author of the Bible, has telepathic powers with god and his big brother Jesus and also hates many many things. If you go to his website, (which I suggest you check out!) , You will find many of his interesting ideas. He is so funny. We just spent the last 30 minutes reading his web page and looking at the stupid shit he believes in. I also called his phone number that is posted online, but it won't accept blocked calls. He also believes that he is working for the CIA, and once fought in Vietnam. Hmmm! Wait until you see this guy! It will make your day for sure! If you want to check out some of the other crazies running for President go to this site!
Peace and Love
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
3:11 AM
My Birthday.
So today was not my birthday, but I decided to have my "party" today. I wanted to do beerfest because it seemed fun. Thanks to those who came! YAY for you. I can still hear beer pong going on in the Kitchen. It sounds like Anthony is winning. I want to go play zip fizz and I am totally going to win. Right. I accidently had a a little run in with the cap'n and man my slurpee was very good. But I'm not in a beer mood right now. I guess my pirate has taken over! Ok well I am going to go partake in the good time happening in the other room! yay go you. You rock my world!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:46 AM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
When I was a kid and thought of the Bible, I always visualized certain things. Today after the disastrous rain of yesterday, the world was Beautiful. Though it rained most of my drive to Duarte, I was ok with that. When I arrived the sky was blissfully serene. In my mind the world would have looked like this after the flood of Noah. The sun was pouring through the clouds, but only in patches and when it came time for sunset, it was aw inspiring. If the people of our world could be as simple and beautiful as the clouds were in the sky today, I would find nothing wrong with our troubled world!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
7:37 PM
I hate Driving.
Well tonight at about 11:30 I decided to drive down to Duarte. The weather was fine when I left, but as soon as I made it out of the A.V, boom, the rain hits. I have never driven in the rain before and man was I scared. We are talking like Noah released the flood again. My little car was hydro-plaining. Ahhh it was so scary. I made it to Sand Canyon, (where the In'N'Out is), and pulled over. I waited in the parking lot for the rain to subside. It didn't. "God" didn't even let up a little. I walked across the parking lot in flip flops, and tried to call my brother's friend Brian. The call went through and as soon as he said, "Hello" the phone went dead. WTF! So I was stuck in Sand Canyon with gail force rain and wind and I was scared to death. After about 15 minutes, I decided to try to make it there. I went to the freeway and began my drive. Oops, too bad I got on the 14 North. FUCK! Right, I was heading back home. UGH. I was passed by 3 semi's and I only got up to about 60 for like 3 minutes. For the rest of the time I was driving 40. I arrived home at 1:11 and am now at Sarah's house. We are going to eat Stir-fry. HEHE, though Sarah always knows how to make my life better. While cooking, she dumbed like half the bottle of Celery Salt on the meat. It was really funny. In the background right now I hear Sarah's mom yelling at her because it is two in the morning and Sarah cooked her roast that is or was going to be used for dinner tonight. OOPS! NOW her mom is yelling at her. DUDE just go back to bed, She is a grown up and knows what she is doing. I bet she is just hungry! Ok well I am going to go watch the mad woman at work!
Peace and Love
P.S. Drive Safely!
It's scary out there....
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
2:01 AM
Friday, September 21, 2007
Across the Universe, Part Deux
So I went to the movies tonight with Sarah and saw The Nanny Diaries. Cute, a little predictable, but if you want sweet enough for a toothache! It is perfect. Anyways, in my frustration about Across the Universe, I questioned the Lady behind the counter. She said the director hasn't decided which cut he wants to release nationwide. Well make up your damn mind before you get my hopes up. The lady assured my the movie would be here sometime in October! Yay! I get to see my movie. Ahh too bad it is going to take sooo long. Sorry katfran! We will have to postpone our date. But how about a trip to Sprinkles or Pinkberry? I haven't been to either, but I hear rave reviews! Hmm get back to me on that one! I want to do some of those must see SoCal "touristy" things before I move!
Ok I'm outtie!
I looked really cute tonight by the way!
Just thought I would fill you in!
Peace and Love, Bros'
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:39 AM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Picture Madness!
This is the Wedding party!
Old pic of the couple!
Anthony turns 25!
THe Siblings!
This is Jimmy, My cousin Holly and Myself, a long time ago!
Man I love posting pictures! Just with theses simple pics I felt a huge range of emotions. From reminiscing the good ol' days, to sadness at the loss of other things and then just plain comedy and the fact of how stupid I look in some of them. Man my dress was really fricking short. Sometimes I find myself Loving the dress and then the next minute I'm like WTF? Oh well, it is in the past!
Ugh and by the way, the Movie, Across the Universe isn't playing in the A.V. FUck, yeah that pisses me off. Our stupid redneck valley, won't play it. Ugh I wish I could shove a dull pointed stick right up the conservative asshole, who decided not to play this film. RGGGH I really want to see it. By the way, yesterday was talk like a pirate day and I had some fun with that. Brr it's cold here and my dad made soup. That bugs me about the cold weather everyone wants to make soup. I am not really a fan of soup, but w/e! I just realized how I jumped from topic to topic. That is annoying. I wish I could be more disciplined in my writing. Though assume that is why I started this blog. Ok, well I am going to go now. I am super bored and really want to watch a movie. Though I don't like doing that by myself, because times are better when you can watch a movie with someone! Then you can hear the others laugh and you know you aren't just laughing at something stupid yourself. Meh oh well! I'm going to call Sarah I think, because maybee she will want to hang out.
Signing off!
Peace and Love
Oh, and you should come to my party this weekend! It will be AmAZING!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
6:16 PM
Pictures and What Not!
So this is ANthony and my aunt Sandy!
So here is a pic of my mom. She was Hott I guess!
Yep That is WIlda Wallace
She could kick your ass too!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
6:08 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Across the Universe
Looks like an amazing movie. Every single commercial I see draws me towards it. It seems like 1 big acid trip or something. Since I myself will never partake in that avenue of the drug realm... I really want to see the movie. It is a musical with The Beatles doing the whole soundtrack. There is this scene where they are by a strawberry wall, and the song Strawberry Feilds forvever is playing and it looks so cool. It is about the Vietnam war. It just looks really good. A musical, with witty drug humor, liberal political views and an amazing cinematography! You just can't get better than that. I totally want to go see it this week. AHHHH I can't wait. It bugs me that I haven't gone and seen it yet. I have proposed a trip to the cinema with my friend Kathryn! Hopefully she can come, otherwise I think I will make the trip by myself and see the flick. I will do a follow-up blog because I think this movie will change my life!
Peace and Love
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:23 PM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Wedding Madness
Well Today was the big day. Anthony tied the knot. It went off very nicely and I had a lot of fun. I did pound a couple of beers and that was fun too. My dress was quite short and I thought that would have been more of a problem, but it wasn't. Because I looked cute! I got to hang with some cool cats too! Yay go friends, because really mine are the best of the lot. Well I am going to go home and chill with my friend Dean and we are going to watch a movie. I left the wedding early because my date wanted to peace out and I haven't had the ability to hang out with him, so I left. Now I have like 5 hrs to do nothing, so we are going to watch movies! Thank God for good friends!
Peace and Love Guys
and I wish Anthony and Amanda the best of luck!
Oh Oh and it was soooooo much fun dancing with Janet! She is amazing. Sorry I didn't say goodbye! I totally forgot, but I just called you!
Lots of Love
The Dizz
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:19 AM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The best part about waking up....
Well I can't think of anything after the way my head felt this morning. Man but in hindsight we sure had fun. This morning we went to chronic tacos and I had the best taco ever. My morning actually started at about 11. I went to bed at 3 and got up at 8:30 so today I have been very tired. But it seems I didn't get motivated until 11ish. Anthony, Amanda and I then went to Santa Clarita to finish last minute things for the wedding! We are getting up at 6:00 AM to go to the flower district. I think I'm going to need a starbucks to make it through that... I haven't been up that early, well in quite awhile. We are currently tying ribbons on bottles of wine for the wedding, well I'm not, because I am typing, but you get the gist. We still need to fold the programs and some other random stuff. I am super tired.
Now I have another incident that I realized in hindsight. My dress for the wedding is quite short. It looks really cute, but none the less it is still really short. Oh well!! As long as it looks good. I decided what I am going to do my hair. It is going to be puffy in the front and then pulled back with a flower in it and really curly! Sarah is doing my makeup so it should look pretty nice. It just seems like this wedding sprung upon us so fast! I can't wait to get my buggy on though. HHEHE my date should look cute. He is wearing all black and a maroon tie. That will look good. Oh OH OH by the way I got a really cute shirt for my birthday! It is a peace sign made out of flowers and then the stems go down into the word peace! I love it. I'm actually wearing it right now. I'm kinda hungry currently and I really want a PinkBerry yogurt. I've never had one, but we didn't go today! That's ok. Well I am going to go act like i'm working so that I can doze off!
Peace and Love
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:18 PM
Bachelorette and My Bday!
As I write this I feel the effect of the Lemon Drop, Adios, 2 Beers, Pina Colada's, and Margaritta's are still taking effect! The night began with a penis shaping contest out of playdo! Diane won!!!!!!! She made the best penis. Then we were all dressed up and went to schooners for the strippers. When we got there, we were informed that they cancelled that 4 months ago. WTF. I called on Monday and they told me that it still happens... they should get together and talk and get their facts straight! So we chilled at schooners for a lil while, got out drunk on and then Anthony came and picked us up! We went back to my house, called up some friends and throw a last minute party. Amanda took her normal position as shot fairy and our drunkness was secure at that point! With 2 shots of rumplmintz under our belts the night was fun. A boy showed up and made the night even more entertaining... but we aren't getting into that! We cut the penis shaped cake and I'm not sure who ate that becuase I was watching Beerfest in my room! I am sure that I will have ants tomorrow because there are still remnants of margarittas around somewhere. Tonight was fun and I can't wait for the wedding. Only 3 days to go!!! YAYAYAY OMG. This is going to be so exciting. Not to mention I am going to look fabulous. Pictures will follow! Type to you soon!
P.S. Mike is back from Thailand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYA I really missed that guy!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
3:43 AM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
19 years old and a trip to the Sex Shoppe!
Today I entered a store located on Palmdale Blvd, called Naughty by Night. In the first room you are bombarded with lingerie, games, penis shaped straws, glow sticks, body lotions, condoms... etc. When you enter the much larger room to the right of the entrance, there are movies, I mean I didn't know this much porn existed. Holy Shit people must be having sex all the time. It was wall to ceiling, IDK, how big, but holy crap there were so many movies. ugh I was weirded out instantly. Then we were directed to the back room, on our( being Sarah and myself) walk back we noticed the huge bong collection which was sold at a different counter. Sarah and I both commented "Holy Crap, look at all the bongs" The manager politley walked back and pointed at a sign hanging above the counter and then said, " The terminology in this store is very important." The sign read, These are water and hand pipes for tobacco use. If you mention drugs or bongs you will be asked to leave. We giggled it off and he continued to direct us to the back chamber. Wow, when we got back there, a gi-normous woman was sitting behind the counter in a room filled with like 500 different kinds of dildos. WTF. Who needs that much of a selection. Sarah and I were so embarrased. Ugh. Then we both agreed that the people working there thought that sarah and I were "partners." It was quite entertaining. We left with Penis shaped straws and 20 differnt kinds of lube for the goodie-bags for the bachelorette party! Wish me the best of luck I hope it goes well!
P.S. It's my birthday right now. I have been 19 for 39 minutes. How do I feel, the same. I am just very tired because I was decorating and shopping all day and the construction of the penis shaped cake that Sarah and I just made actually took a lot of effort. I will post pictures when I get them developed!
Peace and Love
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:28 AM
Monday, September 10, 2007
The Mind numbing hole, formally known as the T.V

But on and educational benifit I found a channel called Current. It is all about young people and what they are doing to empower themselves and save the world. Young adults create pods about things that interest them and then Current plays them on T.V. and creates discussion about the issues that you displayed in your pod. The movies can be however long you want and about whatever you want. It is pretty amazing and I love watching it. The shows range from things like The Burning Man( mentione

Ok now that I am done rambling I am going to go... watch T.V.! I think there is a new survivor man on and he is in Africa! Sounds thrilling! Thank you Al Gore, you have made my days much more educational.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
8:27 PM
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Where does the time go?
Well yesterday was Tierney's Installation into IORG as Worthy advisor. She looked beautiful and it went off amazingly. Last week was directed at finishing decorations, writing speeches and just plain trying to finish everything that our young worthy advisor left for the last minute. Now with the last week approaching before my brother's matrimony, I feel there is no time. I am planning a stellar bridal shower for Wednesday, which is also my 19th birthday. My friend Mike flies in from Thailand and I can't wait to see him. You never realize how much you miss someone until they are gone and man I missed that guy. The rehearsal is on friday and then the wedding is on saturday! Finally, I will have a break, not my birthday party is happening next saturday. The 22nd. It has a beerfest theme! Yay break out your leiderhosen! I wish my brother and soon to be sister in law the best of luck, even though we don't need the fomality to be sisters because I have felt that closeness since the first oppurtunity we had to hang out and get to know each other. I'm tired and my bug bites itch.... yes all 25 of them, which I recieved while visiting my Sister-In-Law, Janet, while in Davis! Oh yeah. Check out her blog.
It is amazing!
Ok Peace and Love FriendS
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
7:22 PM
Thursday, September 6, 2007
My dress Pt.3
Well after my last vent about the dress for my brother's wedding... the situation has been resolved. I went to the fashion district once again last week and finally got my dress! It is really cute. It has thin halter straps and is gathered around the "boob area" and then goes out into and A-Line skirt. There is a little jewel... which is kinda whack, but my mom likes it. So w/e! I have no idea what to do with my hair though. With my "scene-cut" there isn't much that can be done. My top layer is only like 2inches long! YIKES! OH WELL. I will figure it out. I am bitter that I can't go to the bachelorette party this weekend, but what can you do. Shit, people are bound to have time conflicts. I just hope Amanda has fun. Things have not been good between my brother and I lately. My younger brother slapped me yesterday... his temper has been out of control. He punched a huge hole in the wall. What is my parents response? Well, what did you do to him? Who give a flying fuck. Violence isn't the answer and not that they stepped in as parents while I was growing up, but come on. Your youngest son is about to join the "thug life" just like our cousin and uncle and nobody is doing shit to stop it. My older brother, well we haven't talked in like 2 weeks. He feels that we are "too close" as siblings... oh well what can you do right. Other people get in our buisness too and then stir the pot even more. I CAN STICK UP FOR MYSELF... LEAVE ME ALONE. IF I DON"T COME TO YOU FOR HELP, I DON'T NEED IT. Discard that last thought for all of you reading this. The one that is intended for knows who they are and the fact that evening hearing their voice makes me go crazy. And not in the Oh-so-hot way! Hopefully my brother and I will work this out before his big day. I don't want to go into this event with resentment towards him and vice versa. Though my assumption is that once again we will just sweep our feelings under the rug, which is what our family is famous for. Why express when you can supress.
Well this went from a rant about my dress to thoughts on my family so I am done.
Peace and Love to you
Have a good weekend
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:11 PM
The Burning Man
Once a year, in Nevada, thousands of people gather to live a life of free expression. The gathering is held at a place called the Playa. The Playa is a dried lake bed in the middle of the Nevade desert. I believe they call the place Black Lake City. The event began sometime in the 80's with about 300 people present. At last years event over 40,000 people attend. This year's Burning Man was held last week. 8/26-9/2. The creaters' virtually build a city and then allow people to come and live there for 1 week. There are no rules or obligations that the people must follow. It is like 1 big experiment to see how people act in such a situation. While researching this event that pictures are amazing. Most of the people that attend bring some art to contribute and it is one big city of creativity. Throughout the week they hold classes, such as Makeout lessons 101, cleansing of the soul, taro card reading, painting, body painting, karma sutra. All kinds of things for all kinds of people. Those who attend come from all over the world. People sleep in trailers or bring their own tents. It seems so amazing. I am considering attending next year. If anyone has been or has any input let me know! There is a bus that leaves from San Fran and takes you all the way there and back. Oh did I tell you the best thing about this festival.... IT"S FREE!!!!!!!!!!! I feel this is our generations version of Woodstock and I don't want to miss out on such and extreme oppurtunity!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:04 PM