There are few show that I actually show interest in and have to watch religously, but there are those few. The Hills, Laguna Beach, Newport Harbor, The O.C... DO you see the connection? I am obsessed with shows that are named after places. What is worse, is that while watching them I yell at people to shut up so that I may concentrate. Ugh! My dad just didn't understand why I must watch such annoying shows, well I don't understand why he must play such my numbing and dull VIDEO GAMES. Atleast my shows are filled with gossip, cute clothes and not to mention people with adorable fashion sense. So get off my back. I have my once a week filling of trashy reality t.v. But who cares, it is fabulous and I love it!
But on and educational benifit I found a channel called Current. It is all about young people and what they are doing to empower themselves and save the world. Young adults create pods about things that interest them and then Current plays them on T.V. and creates discussion about the issues that you displayed in your pod. The movies can be however long you want and about whatever you want. It is pretty amazing and I love watching it. The shows range from things like The Burning Man( mentione
d 2 blogs ago), to the Iraq war, Peace Corps, different cultures, how to properly curl your hair, what types of shoes to wear for certain activites. It is pretty much AMAZING. I recommend it to anyone who has the channel. I currently find myself addicted. Don't have time to watch t.v. or did you unplug it after 22 days because Surviorman got boring? Don't worry you can check our the online version. Just go to google.com and type in current tv. That will direct you to their website. Oh and to make it even better current is sponsered by google and created by Al Gore! Man he is amazing!
Ok now that I am done rambling I am going to go... watch T.V.! I think there is a new survivor man on and he is in Africa! Sounds thrilling! Thank you Al Gore, you have made my days much more educational.
But on and educational benifit I found a channel called Current. It is all about young people and what they are doing to empower themselves and save the world. Young adults create pods about things that interest them and then Current plays them on T.V. and creates discussion about the issues that you displayed in your pod. The movies can be however long you want and about whatever you want. It is pretty amazing and I love watching it. The shows range from things like The Burning Man( mentione

Ok now that I am done rambling I am going to go... watch T.V.! I think there is a new survivor man on and he is in Africa! Sounds thrilling! Thank you Al Gore, you have made my days much more educational.
Peace Baby
I love current tv. It's way better then normal TV and you get a chance to see what is going on in the world.
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