Tonight I decided to take the plunge.
I wanted to re-arrange my room
because though my brother isn't
coming home for xmas
his friend Mike and his two friends were.
They love to stay in my room because
it is fun and there is always something
to look at.
SO I started cleaning tonight.
While trying to move my TV
the cable cord became wrapped around
my foot. I sat the TV down
and tried to step out of it.
I tripped, just about flipped over
and essentially ripped the cord from
the back of my TV. OOPS.
My father disapprovingly shook his head
as he tried to fix it... but alas.
My TV is dead.
I turned to my mom and said,
"Is it to late to ask Santa to bring me a tv too?"
She said she shall see...
Maybe it will be a flat screen!
I guess I will have time to catch up on my reading!
Which by the way I joined a new site!
It is fantastic.
You put in the books you've read and want to read
and then you can make reviews. You can
also find friends...
I guess it is like myspace for smart kids!
Well I am off for the night!
RIP MY TV.... 2001-2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
And then disaster struck...
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:28 AM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
My Classes
I registered for my classes today.
Here is my schedule.
Monday/Wednesday - Spanish 1 1-3pm 4 units
Monday - History 2/A 6-9pm 3 units
Online - Spanish Lab 1 Unit
Tuesday/Thursday - Intro to Philosophy 9-11am 3 units
Tuesday/Thursday - Math 254 1-3pm 3 units
Thursday - Political Science 6-9pm 3 units
Soooo anybody have any of those books?!?!
Have a great night friends!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
7:18 PM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
What if santa was lactose?
I begin my holiday baking today!
I am going to start with Chocolate chunk cookies!
I usually do most of the baking by myself because
my mom gets tired from all the shopping and what not.
So what should I amke this year?
I usally do up gift packs for the neighbors
and send everybody home with some yummy treats!
Here is my list:
Peanut Butter
Chocolate Chip
Oatmeal Raisin
Macaroons (never done it b4 but my Aunt K has a recipe for me)
Oh and thumprint cookies.
So my fellow bloggers...
what are you favorite cookies
and do you have any recipes I could try out?
I love learning to cook new things
and i've never heard of too many cookies...
Though maybe I should have when we ended up
with like 3 dozen extra oatmeal raisin
at thanksgiving time.
Oh well... OOPS!
So send me your favorite holiday cookie type!
Peace and Love
and remember to be happy!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
3:32 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
It is quite cold in our
little desert.
They are projecting rain
for the next couple days.
I can't even see out to Tehaccapi
which is about 30 miles away.
Usually you can see the moutains
but not with this cloud coverage!
It is kinda eerie!
I got some shopping done today.
I bought a gift for Tierney, Sarah and Janet.
I also got myself a nice warm coat!
With a furry hood.
But not real fur... because that sux.
But faux-fur and I love it!
It is just a typical snowboarding type
but it is very cute!
I hope we get snow!!!!
THis is they type of coat I got.
But mine is white
and it has little silver things on it.
It is from Billabong.... but I couldn't
find a pic of the exact one!
Next thing on my list.
Finish shopping
and buy a sparkly dress for our party!!!
I think I'll wait for Janet to come home
and then we could go together!
So get here sista!
I missin that girl bond!
Don't worry Mandi
I didn't forget about you!
I have a countdown going
unitl we get to hang out!
Like really I made number and I rip
them off every day waiting unitl we get to hang out!
I did it for the first day of school
but hopefully it will be sooner than that!!!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
3:52 PM
This is the Santa Cruz boardwalk!
I am moving to NorCal.
I found out last week that I start
college on February 11th so
I am finally going.
I am on a waitlist for dorm
housing but even if that doesn't
work out I am applying for a student
loan so I can get my own apartment!
Or room... w/e!
But no matter what, come january
I am out of this shit hole!!!!!!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
3:45 PM
Well I have been gone for awhile.
I have had blogging withdrawls,
but I am back and in full force.
As promised I would love to fill you
in on my "family reunion"
Well my crazy aunt ended up buying
me a study bible for my bible school...
which I'm not attending.
She wore too much lipstick that covered her
teeth.. yuck!
She mixed drinks w/ her meds which made her
even crazier...... AHHHH.
My uncle (her husband)
was amazing as ever.
He cooked for us.
On sunday morning he made a huge breakfast for
the whole family and we watched the football games.
I kinda got drunk w/ my cousin.
He drank about 20 more beers than I did...
but whose counting.
We sang karaoke all night...
I think we did Hotel California 5x!
All in all it was pretty alright!
I got to hang w/ my fam
and though some are crazy...
the ones that aren't were definetely
worth being around!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
3:41 PM
Monday, December 10, 2007
With the friends that count.
I am planning a new years party!
This week I will take on the invitation!
This party should be pretty fun.
We are going to have a desert bar!
Yep, that was correct.
All the goodies you could want.
We are doing black and silver!
It should be fun.
It's my parents 20th anniversary.
Of the day the met.
They didnt marry.
But who cares... 20 and counting!
Anyways any suggestions people?
Things to do at a new years gala event?!?!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
1:08 PM
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Hero of the Day!!!
He rocks my world.
If I hooked up with an older man...
it would be him!
He is stomping ass against the Ravens right now!
WOOHOO!!!!!! Go Colts!
The last I checked it was 37-7!
and it was only the 2nd quarter.
My baby is doing amazing tonight!!!!
Lets vote Manning and Tomlinson 08!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
7:10 PM
Isn't this train just perfect! It is located in Chicago!!! I am going there next summer for a trip to a convention! I want to ride the PINK train!! I have never been on a real train. I go metro... but one day I would like to take a long trip, a read a good book and just hang out on the train! How about in 2012! Who wants to come? I should be done with all of my schooling and pack from the peace corps!!! HAHA. So 2012 it is. Anybody going to join me? It will be like a big sleepover!
Ok. I am still freezing. Last night a few friends and myself went up to the aquaduct. We thought that if it was going to snow it would be cool to see it from the highest point in our valley! Well I left my coat at home. So it's 1am, raining and very cold... and I have no coat! What is a girl to do? Well I danced. My Best Friend and I did a little ballet number to keep us warm. To say the least it was a very entertaining night and the most fun I have had at the aquaduct! Even though now... I might have hypothermia! But that is the price you pay for ballet!
Have a great sunday everyone!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
1:22 PM
I want Snow!
It is FREEZING outside right now.
It has been raining off and on since thursday.
Some people are saying that it might snow
tonight or tomorrow!
That would be amazing!
We don't see snow that often.
I want a new job.
One that will let me have ridiculous hours.
I need to work 40 hours a week
so I can move out of SoCal
and I would prefer to work from like
11pm-7am! That would be rockin!
I am going to apply at every hotel
available! 1 down... 20 to go!
Ok well everyone do a snow dance for me!
I recommend the Soulja Boy dance...
it's fun and good cardio!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:39 AM
Friday, December 7, 2007
Sex Obsessed Boys...and girls!
Do you know what the "Angry Dragon" is?
I don't... well I didn't.
SO my friend.
He will remain nameless
Says.. I'll show you the angry dragon
Is it good?
Then I knew I was heading down the
path of sex talk...
Great... I reply.
So what exactly is this angry dragon I ask?
He Replies..."it's when u push down on your head right before i cum so you choke and it comes out ur nose"
"Ewww That does not sound very nice " I replied.
Why one earth would you do that?
Why not is the question you should be asking... I assume...
Right I assure myself... Hmm should be an entertaining evening lol.
Especially the way my conversation is already going.
YOu can't get better when in the last 10 minutes the these are a few
of the words recieved...
Zelda, Fallacio, Ass, Nerd, WII and Drunk!
Ciao my fellow bloggers!
Have a delicous friday
and stay away from any body fluids coming out your nose!
Pun Intended!!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
10:13 PM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Holly Jolly Christmas!
Stolen from Lesli :
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I am a fan of wrapping paper because you can add your own special touch. Even plain paper can be made into something beautiful.
2. Real tree or Artificial? I personally haven't had a real tree at MY house, but last year my brother's best friend bought a tree so I could decorate it! But I think an artificial tree will do! As long as you have a christmas-ie candle to set the mood!
3. When do you put up the tree? My mom, bestfriend and myself always set the tree up the day after thanksgiving!
4. When do you take the tree down? New Years Day. I always wake up.. at about noon and my mom went all crazy and put everything away.
5. Do you like eggnog? No... I am a fan of cider!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? When I was a kid I shared a room with my little brother and one Christmas my parents built on an extra room (sorta) for me!
7. Do you have a nativity scene? I think we have one. Though it isn't out...
8. Hardest person to buy for? Umm everyone. I try to be intuitive!
9. Easiest person to buy for? Myself! I know what I want already.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Definitely regular mail. I love opening up the cute cards!
11 .Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Umm once I got a sports greates accident video... and my lil bro gave me a ceramic clown! But it is the thought that counts... right?
12 . Favorite Christmas Movie? Home for the Holidays
13 . Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Oh, yes. Who needs 20 bath and body sets??
14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Chocolate covered cherries, and ham!
15 . Clear lights or colored on the tree? We have a mixutre of both! I like things a little crazy!
16 . Favorite Christmas song? I like the Drummer Boy song!
17. Travel at Christmas or stay home? I like being at home with my family.
18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? On dasher and dancer and prancer and vixen on comet and cupid and donner and blitzen! But do you recall... the most famous reindeer of all.. Rudolph~!
19. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? We open our christmas Pj's on Christmas eve and then read Twas the Night Before Christmas and then on Christmas morning we all have to get up annoyingly early to do everything else.
20. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Rude people. Come on people... be happy!
21 . Favorite ornament theme or color? My favorite ornaments are my Gone with the Wind Scarlett and Rhett bulbs!
22. When do you start shopping for Christmas? A few weeks before Christmas. I am horrible. I never know what I am going to get.
23. What, do you want for Christmas this year? A white Macbook laptop computer, a Pink digital camera, The Hlls on dvd, Scrubs on Dvd and Laguna Beach on DvD!
24. Angel or Star on top of tree? I always ALWAYS put the angel on the top! My dad use to put me on his shoulders and let me do it! Now I am taller and do it by myself!
25. What do/did you leave for Santa? Chocolate chip cookies and Milk and some carrots for the reindeer. We also go out in the street on Christmas eve and sprinkle oatmeal and glitter all over the place as Reindeer food. We know... we are too old. But come on... the chance to throw glitter all over the street! It is sooo much fun!
If you have kids I would recommend doing the "reindeer food" thing! It is a lot of fun!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:06 PM
The cutest of Cousins.
I have a nightly ritual...
I sign onto the computer
Check my myspace
Check my blog
and then check my email.
Tonight I recieved an interesting email.
It reads:
Hi Nicole!!
> It's me Autumn.
> I wanted to say hi.I haven't heard from you in a while.
> So... I heard you might go to Bible college. That's cool.
> So this is my new e-mail address. Don't e-mail me at my old one.
> See you at the Christmas Party!!
> Love your dearest Little Cuz,
> Autumn (:
WoW I replied to myself. My 9 year old cousin thinks I am going to bible college. WHAT???? I am one of the least religous people I know. So what does that mean? At our "family reunion"/christmas party next weekend my whole family is going to think that I am going to "bible school." Great.... If my cousin Autumn heard this that means that her parents heard it which means my Aunt told them. I don't get it. How random. I mean really. My aunt is kinda koo koo bananas. At one point in time she thought I attended Harvard... huh?! Now don't get me wrong I love her... and I know everyone has a few nuts hanging from their family tree... but why church school lol. Oh well. What can I say. I guess I will tell you guys what happens at our family spectacular! I am sure... it will be enough crazy to leave a little smile on your face when you are dealing with your own brand of family oddities.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
10:37 PM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
You've got me ten feet off the ground.
Another List
of complete Randomness.
1. I hate STUPID drama.
2. I am hyped for my New Years Party
3. I am going to buy a sparkly dress
4. Hot tea sounds amazing about now.
5. Thinking about people that cheat... and I want to gag.
6. I miss Anthony and Amanda
7. The DaVinci Code will never have the same meaning
8. I hear the opening song for Sex and the City!!!!
9. Scrubs is in it's last season :(
10 I don't really need any of the things on my xmas list.
11 Well I DO NEED a bed.
12 I want to take a family portrait.
13 With Janet and Amanda of course!!
14 I have to go to some fancy smancy dinner... blah
15 Gossip Girl is an AMAZING show.
16 I am going to take a dance class over intersession.
17 Modern I think.. but not sure yet.
18 I use to dance.
19 For 12 years actually... then I got busy.
20 I hate my car
21 Almost as much as I hate your dumb drama.
22 I am going to go watch Sex and the City!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:57 PM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
"I'm not mad at you but...."
Smart people read the constitution.
It is the foundation of our country.
In it are the rules that I live my life by.
Here I would like to point out
one part in particular...
Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Freedom of speech is the concept of being able to speak freely without censorship. It is often regarded as an integral concept in modern liberal democracies. The right to freedom of speech is guaranteed under international law through numerous human rights instruments, notably under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, although implementation remains lacking in many countries. The synonymous term freedom of expression is sometimes preferred, since the right is not confined to verbal speech but is understood to protect any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
5:26 PM
Monday, December 3, 2007
Gossip is pointless.
So stop talking shit.
Especially on my blog.
If you don't know...
you don't need to know.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
3:24 PM
Friday, November 30, 2007
Take a sad song and make it better.
It's rainy today!
I like the rain.
but I don't like today.
I couldn't fall asleep
last night.
I tossed and turned
until like 5am.
THen I got up at 8:30.
if you know me...
I don't get up that early
Fucked up thoughts
just kept going through my head.
Hopefully things will chill down.
Everyone is all stressed out
with what is going on
and every where I turn
there is something about it.
Getting away this weekend will be good.
and I like the rain!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:35 AM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Send her naughty messages....
This is Tierney
She is my friend.
I picked that picture for 2 reasons.
1. you can see up her nose.
2. I think it is funny that the
american flag and peace hands are in the same pic....
She keeps an online journal..
she won't tell me the URL
Because she write ABOUT me
on there.
hahah so she gets a blog
about her!
She is my number 2 best friend.
Am I hers...
no because she names anyone cool
enough to have a conversation
with her... her bestfriend a
minute later!
Tell me your secrets little girl!
I haven't even told you about
the boy.
So tell me yours and I will fill
you in.
Now you are dying to know..
Oh well....
I posted it on some super secret
website that nobody knows about.
HMMM what now!
So anyways...
my dear blogger friends
You should stay away from
her like the plague!
Send her random messages
on myspace hitting on her
and what not!
She actually wants it!
So do it!
We are trying to socialize her!
So go now!!
Oh and she doesn't even
have me on her top friends...
she is going DOWN!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:41 PM
For those of you who knew Erica ..she passed away this morning
Please pray for her family in this hard time :(
Make you sure you tell everyone you love and care about how you feel..don't let the moment pass you never know when it's going to be too late
Wow I just found out
that this girl I went
to High School with
passed away this morning.
It seems so nuts.
Her dad and mine use
to coach baseball together.
This really suck.
THis one is for her.
RIP Erica .
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
7:37 PM
This Morning.
I sneezed 8 times.
In a row.
Thank god I wasn't driving.
That would have been
a catastrophe!
WHy do we make that noise?!?!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:29 PM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I have a list.
Here I will share it.
Be forwarned.
It will be completley random!
1. I made dinner tonight.
2. It included Crannberry/Orange Muffins. MmMM!
3. I would LaLa Love a slurpee right now.
1. I'm cold.
2. The heater in MY room doesn't work...
(am I selfish for pointing that out?)
3. I want to see Across the Universe again.
1. Boys are dumb.
2. Well not all boys.
3. I miss SOME of my family.
4. Other just seem to ALWAYS be there.
... and not in that warm fuzzy kinda way.
Things I love:
1. My puppy. who is watching me write.
2. Mandarin Salad dressing from work!!
3. My warm wannabee UGG boots.
4. The fact that I get to go to Vegas this weekend.
Things I hate:
1. My yucky car
2. My messy lil bro's room.
3. The fact that The Hills and Gossip girl are on once a week.
4. People that can't just stop.
do you get it. SHUT UP.
I don't want to hear you ramble on.
blah blah blah blah blah.
Get over it.
If I didn't have to talk to you.
I wouldn't.
Ok sorry for the rant.
I start thinking about
one thing and then the mind and fingers
just start going...
and then I am a paragraph in...
and oh shit, I've hurt someone's feeling.
Oh Well...
Life's a garden... dig it!
Peace and Love.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
10:19 PM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
My Hair Pt.2
Well it's done.
It is a lot more subtle
than the pic below.
But it looks really good.
YOu can see the red in the sun
and the blonde is very pretty!
And yes I did it myself.
Well with Sarah's help.
Ok she did most of it!
Well all of it!
But you get the gist.
Here is the kick.
My little brother Jimmy.
Has a friend named Andrew.
Andrew wanted his hair dyed.
So we did blonde spots around his head.
Red tips on his faux-hawk
and the rest of his faux-hawk is blonde.
He looks like an idiot!
That is what they get.
because there room smells like ASS.
Ok Nighty Night guys.
Don't do anything I wouldn't!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:51 PM
My Hair.
I am currently in the process of dying my hair.
Yes... for those of you that know me.
AGAIN. I can't help it.
I like change.
The picture above is kinda
like what I am going to do.
Except there will be brown in there
too! So blonde, red and brown.
Hopefully it turns out ok!
I'll post a pic when it is done tomorrow.
Peace and Love.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
5:35 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Paris Hilton
I don't get why people have such a hate for Paris Hilton.
Yes she is spoiled.
Yes she has made some mistakes...
but so is and has most of the American Population.
Now don't get me wrong...
The American Population isn't
as spoiled as our little Heiress...
but who cares.
Her life is brodcast to the millions
every day. She can't go pee
without being posted on TMZ.
So back to the question...
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:09 PM
This pic didn't show up on my last blog...
Will is the one holding the dog
yay for random family pics!!!!!!
This was from Christmas eve three years ago!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
10:51 PM
I think my Bro's gone crazy.
This is my brother Will.
Growing up he was always
the prime example of good in my eyes.
My parents wanted us to be like him.
Now there is no complaining there...
he is a FANTASTIC guy.
This weekend he came home for Thanksgiving.
I don't know if it was the turkey
or being back in the Antelope Valley..
but he went NUTS.
He was dancing with my dog
and rolling around on the ground
and singing songs.
Just being overly NUTS.
I liked it a lot.
Usually Anthony and I are pegged
as the "weird" kids.
We are the middle children...
into weird heavy metal. blah blah blah
but not this week!
Will took the cake.
So my hat is tipped for you.
I liked it and I wish I could
have got to spend more time with
you growing up!
I can't wait to get up there
and see this crazyness on
the semi-routine visits
that will be our life.
Much Love.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
10:43 PM
MMM Good!
I baked cookies for Thanksgiving.
Lots of cookies.
Like 10 dozen.
Chocolate chip, Kiss Cookies, Oatmeal Raisin.
Now as the holiday week comes to an end.
(it ends today for me..)
I regret all the damn cookies.
Why did they have to be there...
taunting tempting.
Yes this is a metaphor about
other things....
but the cookies too.
You just have to take a bite.
and after that bite...
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:59 PM
Black Friday.
OMG! A pink Mac! I want it!!!!!!!
AHHHH. I need one for xmas sooo bad.
and a pink digital camera to match.
The day after Thankgiving is Black Friday.
It is the start of Holiday shopping.
This year the news reported
16.4 Billion spent on Friday alone.
THough that number will be
surpassed today.
News agencies report
that while on the computer today
people will spend...
70 BILLION dollars.
That is for internet shopping alone.
How do I get in contact with these people.
That is nuts.
I see the benifit though.
YOu don't have to fight through the crowds
and it is delivered to you!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
1:59 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
When the Music died.
This is Hawthorne Heights.
They are famous for such songs as:
Ohio is for Lovers
Nikki FM
Saying Sorry... etc.
I have had the pleasure to see them twice.
Today I heard some sad news though
Guitarist Casey Calvert
Passed away in his sleep.
Check out there myspace
if you want to here the details
from the band.
This sucks.
Here is to Casey.
Rest in Peace Man.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
8:28 PM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Gobble Gobble.
So Thankgiving starts in 30 minutes. I can't wait. It means that our family gets together. There are a few peices missing to our puzzle, but what can you do! I hope they have a great holiday though!! So looking back, I am thankful for the great friends and family that I have! Much love to you all!
Here is a pic of a few special members of my "family!"
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:26 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
In case you were wondering...
My last blog I was venting.
I saw a show on WE called Secret Lives of Women
and it was on wives who cheat.
That is where I got my aggression from.
I am going on a date this week.
Random huh?
I have work tomorrow and sunday!
Yay that means I am making money.
Money to pay my bills
and move away!
I re-did my room.
I took a couch out
moved the bed
and finished my wall of peace.
It is pretty nifty.
The freezer at our house if
full of pie!
But we can't eat it until
Damn Pilgrims!!!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
1:16 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Why Cheat?
To act dishonestly; practice fraud.
To violate rules deliberately, as in a game: To be sexually unfaithful.
Those are's definition of cheating.
DO any of them sound good?
I don't think so.
What the fuck is the point of cheating on someone.
Your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife?
DO you really want to hurt them?
If so... you are EVIL.
WHy even get into a relationship with them.
People aren't stupid.
If you are cheating someone probably knows.
No one is perfect at hiding the clues.
I think people deserve to be treated better.
Tell the GodDamn truth
for once in your life.
Just come out with it.
So you might hurt the other person
would you rather lie to them?
This just comes down to once again
my disgust with the general population
it seems everyone is cheating everyone.
So do you have an answer to my question?
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
4:39 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
So after that last blog I need to chill.
My first day of work was nice.
My feet hurt really bad though because
I stand on them all day.
I also definetely have a bigger
appreciation for those that work
in the restaurant buisness.
You have so much to do.
Clean the floor, mop, sweep,
clean the bathrooms, fix the toilet paper,
get me toast, I need extra dressing.
It is a lot of work!
Do you know that if you dirty the tablecloth
we change them right then and there. As soon
and you leave, I go and get new tablecloths.
So come on people. Eat nicely!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:42 PM
If my car was full of gas right now I would get in it and leave.
Do you ever have those thoughts.
Just pick up and go.
That is what I want to do.
I hate being here.
Everything about it.
There are only a few good things.
Sarah. She is a good thing in my life.
My mom. Sometimes she is pretty alright too.
The rest of it.
Fuck it.
I could pick up and leave
and never look back.
I'm just venting.
But really
as soon as I have money
enough to get our apartment.
I am out of this shit hole.
Fuck I really hate life right now.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:38 PM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Why can't we just get along?
I have found myself just sick at the American population lately. Today I went to Target and Payless to buy my work clothes. (I got a job at GreenHouse in the Mall.) While we were leaving Payless, with my ugly slip-resistent shoes, some dumb teenagers walked by. They yelled into the store at the cashier,"Holy SHit, We didn't kill Suddam." They guy looked a little bewildered, but didn't show emotions about it. I think I got more offended. This guy, working his shitty job, to support his family, has to deal with that shit. What the fuck did he do to them? Rgh I hate people.
Then I found out that Quartz Hill High was picked by KISS FM to be in the "Pimp my School" competition. Some student entered via the radio and they one. So Ryan Seacrest and "JO-Jo" on the radio went to QHHS, with cameras filmin and Mark Bryant the principal turned them away. What an asshole. They were going to equipt the school with new supplies and a bomb ass concert! RGGH FUCK MARK BRYANT. HE just hasn't been in good favor with his students lately. First he presses the ridiculous charges against Rocky and now this crap.
I really really hate the AV.
But on a good note.... Tomorrow is Friday and I begin my job!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
8:06 PM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Your American Duty...
Did you vote today? I did. Though there were only 3 ballot points. YES on 3,8,11. That is what it came down to. How frickin exciting.
Well I am feeling a little better. Though I still have a bad cough. This week started off good though, so I can't wait to see what happens. My mom made a cherry pie! MMMM thank god for Sarah Lee! I have found myself kinda taking long showers, which is bad because we are in a draught. In the background the preview for the news was on and a little girl has been born with 4 arms and 4 legs. How does that happen? More importantly if this "thing" called God really exists why would he do that to some inocent child. But lets not get into theology.
Seinfeld is on right now! It is totally the Soup Nazi episode and I love that one! So I am going to go watch it. Peace out!
I want a tattoo! Like now! I designed one tonight. It is pretty nifty. 2 big flowers which spread into a wave which crashes into a peace sign. It looks pretty tight. It is even cooler in my mind, but it seems that everything ends up that way!
Nighty night friends.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
10:04 PM
Friday, November 2, 2007
The Excorcist.
Do you remember the scene where Regan turns around and spits that green shit out of her mouth. Well that is what I have felt like lately. For the last couple of days I have been coughing up something nasty and i've had a fever and just gross. My throat hurts like it is Armageddon. Rgh. Ok well I am going to go back to bed. Today I watched THe Godfather. That was nifty!
Ok peace out.
Hopefully I get better.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:50 PM
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Well I have had two exciting things for Halloween. Last weekend Kathryn through an amazing Halloween party! yay for her. It was a lot of fun. I dressed like a ladybug. Then today(halloween) I helped my mom's office pull off Haight Ashbury in the 60's. We covered the walls in tie-dye sheets and peace signs and flowers and just a bunch of cool stuff. We made a "head shop" it was a bunch of fun!
Ok well here are some pics!
Peace and Love guys and
Stay safe tonight.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
3:08 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Two things that are gone...
Black Cherry Lemonande Slurpees. What the HEll. I mean how can you get a better combination than that. But they don't have it anymore. I have only ever gotten it in Duarte, but rgh it was soooo good! I want it now. I would drive to 7-11 but it is kinda in the ghetto... I don't want to go there now.
The second thing I miss is this little treat that Starbucks use to have. Janet, Will and I went to Santa Monica for Will's CBEST. On the way back there was this wicked bad fire and we thought we wern't going to be able to get home. Thus we stopped at Starbucks. They had this chocolate and caramel cookie bar thing. The store only had one and they dude behind the counter says I wouldn't get that. Janet and I both quizzically look at him and say that it looks scrumptous. But the guy tells us that they aren't ever going to make them again and that if we had 1 we would want another. WELL DAMNIT I WANT ANOTHER 1. If someone got me the recipe.. I would make them a batch too! Even if it was right now. I would go on a baking binge! Ok well Got to go!
I am going to go to AMPM for a slurpee!
Peace out
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:36 AM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I am the cats meow!
This is Uganda
I want to go there
Send me to Uganda damnit...
I guess that is being a little pushy.
but what can I say.
I'm pushy and
I want to go there.
Well I want to leave here...
That is 7 cats
are they my cats?
but you get the gist.
I have 7 kittens and they all suck
Mine are cuter than the ones above though.
I had the weirdest phone conversation tonight
I'm not going into details... but OMG!
Janet... it tops the one you encountered
at our last gathering!
Ok well I am done posting.
I will probably acutally think of something else
and post again!
Ok peace and Love
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:18 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
This is bouquet canyon fire....I just heard that David and Ciara, my brother's, brother and sister-in-law were evacuated from San Diego. Anthony's mother-in-law Norma is also on watch for evacuation because of the Bouquet Canyon fire. This is no good. I drive that route all the time. This really sucks. Hopefully it wont come here. Though it seems we are going to be lucky because it isn't that smokey here yet and it is movieng the other direction. RGH. this Sucks. Ok well I wish everyone the best of luck. Peace and Luv and stay smart.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
1:56 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Ok well I got my costume! yay. It is a lady bug. It is red w/ black spots and shiny stuff on the top, it comes with wings and antennas, and cute red and black stockings with daisys on the tops. The Pic below is basically what it looks like, but instead of the solid black top it is the same material all around and it is halter top, with shiny black sequins that line the v-part of the shirt.I love it! Thanks for all the ideas Janet. You rock my world! I can't wait to wear it next weekend!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:57 PM
More Frightening than the monsters....
I went to Magic Mountain yesterday for Fright Fest. It was super packed... I mean we had to park in the back lot. I didn't even know they had a back lot. Eww it was dirt and hello have you noticed the wind lately. Yeah that sucked. The rides were super crowded, so we only got to ride a few and we didn't go to any of the mazes because the lines were way to long. But we did get to ride Collasus backwards and that was fun, except for the fact that I hurt my hip. But there was one thing that was truly frightening last night. Tatsu is the newest ride that Magic Mountain has. It is one of the typical thrill coasters. You sit in the seat and then it pulls you backwards so it is like you are lying on your stomach and you do the ride head first. But lets not get ahead of ourselves. The line was 2 hours long. While waiting in line, there was a DJ playing music next to the ride. Scott, Sarah's boyfriend comments, "Oh they are playing Beat It... cool." These guys infront of us turn around and say, "NO, that is Billie Jean." That began the conversation. There were three guys, who all came from Irvine. Being the talkative person I am, I comment, Oh my brother went to UCI. They both say, hey so did we. One guy was really random and just kinda sat on the ground and crawled around every time the line moved. (He was kookoo bananas if you know what I mean.) But the other two kept talking. For the whole two hour wait. From movies to music and random literature. It was so boring. But I smiled and listened and they talked. Scott and Sarah were both like WTF are they talking about. But whatever. So as we progress, the 6-5 guy that kept directing his conversation at me says, " So do you want to get some beers after this? Maybee some Whiskeys?" I am like uhhh I don't have an idea. Then later it gets around to the question of how old are you guys. Sarah and I are like 19 and Scott says he is 24. So we recipricate and ask how old they are... Well the guy that was hitting on me, graduated in 1995. FROM UCI. Ugh. He graduated high school in 1990. He is like well I graduated high school in 1990. I said, cool, I was two. Then he chilled on the hitting on me for a bit. Twenty minutes later he started again. Thank the lord that my line went faster and I got off the ride before him. So after that we walked back to our car and it took 1 hour. 1 hour, to get from the parking lot to the freeway. WHich is usually a 1 minute drive. Rgh. But overall it was entertaing and I got out of the AV! yay. Hope the colts do great tomorrow. Peace and Love guys!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:39 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Strawberry Feilds Forever?
So I totally saw Across the Universe last night. OMG it was AMAZING. It is so vivid and full of life, I could see it a million times. I will totally buy it on dvd when it comes out and I hope that someone does a live production of it. Kinda like how they have Rocky Horror Picture Show down in Santa Monica this movie could totally become like that. It was that amazing. I just can't stop talking about it. AHHHH go see it damn it! I mean it get up off your computer and go check it out and then come back and comment me on it. DOn't want to go alone? Thats cool. Call me and I will come with you! It is that good! Ok well Friends is on and I want to go watch it because I think Sex and the City is on next! So peace out!
Tomorrow is Sarah's birthday so you should call her and give her a whats up!
Peace out baby!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:35 PM
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Vroom, Vroom
I learned to ride a bike. Nope not a dirt bike or a motorcycle. But a peddle bike. IDK why I didn't learn when I was a kid, but what the hell. I know now! Yay go me! One big thanks to Sarah because she taught me. My ass was sore for a week and my leg is mega bruised but I know how to ride a bike! YAY I can't wait to try some of those nor-cal bike paths!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
8:02 PM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Hey Jude
Tonight was SO much fun! Tonight was the Beatles sing-along. I got to hang out with Sarah and Scott and my mom and I even saw a few friends from high school and Dino was there too. They played an amazing list of songs which included: Come Together, Hey Jude, Helter Skelter, I am the Walrus, Across the Universe and soooo much more! It was really fun. Everybody really got into it and there was just a fun vibe. I can't wait to get out of the so-cal not so fun vibe! It seems like Nor-cal will be like "Beatles Night" all the time! Ok well I am going to go read my book. I am currently in the trilogy of Icewind Dale, by R.A Salvatore! I suggest his stories they are quite addicting. Have a great weekend all. CIAO!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:30 PM
Friday, October 5, 2007
Calling all Beatles fans!
So Saturday at the college (avc), the activites department is hosting a Beatles sing-along! YAY. I am really frickin excited. I guess since Across the Univers is taking so long to get here I will go to this to pass the time! Sarah and I are going to dress up really cute and go! yay. My mom is going to come and some friends aswell it should be really fun! Yay. I can't wait. If anyone wants to come feel free. It is saturday at the college at 6 in the blackbox! Ok well hope to see you there!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
1:06 AM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Two things I am really into lately!
Man I have found myself addicted to two things lately. The first is the show Scrubs. No I am not a retard and just found the show... but I just started watching it like on the daily and man I love it! JD is so funny, and the Janitor totally keeps it real! I also love Doctor Cox! If you haven't seen Scrubs you should totally check it out.
My second addiction is Chronic... Tacos! MHHHMMMMM. On Tuesday they have "taco tuesday" and you get two tacos for 2 bucks. They are gi-normous so it is totally worth it. I am definitley going to miss it when I move to Nor-Cal. I went there tonight with some friends and my lil brother ordered 4 tacos for himself.... HOLY MOLEY! They are huge. Then he made me take him to MCdonalds for and ice cream and he got 2 chicken wraps aswell. I don't see how people can eat that much. Oh well it was a good time! At the local college this weekend there is this Beatles tribute thing. I totally want to go. It should be wicked fun. Oh and my search for a job might have come to an end. A lady is looking for a babysitter for saturday and sundays. She want them to work from 2pm-2am. man that is nuts. One child is 5 and the other is 8. I hope I get it. I love working with kids. I will keep you posted! Ok well I am outie scrubs comes on at 12 and I think I hear Friends on the T.V in my room!
Adios Muchacos(sp) Meh... who cares if I spell it right!
Just to make you jealous here is a pic of one of the tacos! Mhhhm
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:38 PM
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Party it up.
You know what drives me nuts? Well don't worry if you can't answer that question because why would I have asked if I wasn't going to write about it below. Ok so girls will spend money on buying an amazing dress for something and then only wear it once. So WTF do we do will all of the dresses that you only wear once. I want to have a dress up party and you have to come in a nice dress that you have only had the opportunity to wear once. It can be like a black and white event... but not so two-shaded! YAY. SO all you nor-cal people... listen up! Party sometime in like November or December. When does your winter break begin? Lets do it. YEAH!!!! Ok let me know what you think.
On the happenings of my life. Things are going well. I am about to go to the movies with some friends. I saw Good Luck Chuck last week and it is totally funny. I recommend it for all fans of comedy! I think we are going to see The Kingdom tonight. Hmm that has yet to be determined. Oh an update on my cousins house. They found one good fingerprint so they think csi might be able to register who the people are through there data base. Hopefully they find some thing out. I am totally ready to get out of this valley. Tomorrow I have set a goal for myself to find a job. I am going to get a full time job so I can make as much money as possible. Pay the rest of my bills and then hopefully have found an apartment in Santa Cruz by them. Ugh I am going insane again living here. MY HOUSE SUCKS! Blah. Oh well that must be my teenage angst. Ok well I am going to go like curl my hair or something!
Peace and Love
I can't wait to go to the mountains and behold this!
Oh I love winter! Cute Sweaters and all.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
6:18 PM
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Once they had the Jena 6... Now we have the Palmdale 4.
Well I am sure that all of you have heard of the Jena six. It is a horrible story about racism, hate and violence. Tonight I was educated on something similiar happening in our valley. Below is a story taken from google about a high school in my area.
Protest rally to be held in Knight High arrests
Article Last Updated: 09/28/2007 01:05:00 AM PDT
PALMDALE - A rally to protest the arrest of three Knight High School students and a parent who scuffled with a security guard over spilled birthday cake will be held today at the east Palmdale campus.
Protest organizers said a security guard twisted the arm of 16-year-old Pleajhai Mervin behind her back and slammed her against a lunch table, breaking her wrist. The fight was reportedly caught on videotape by a student.
"I'm hoping a lot of people will show up so we can stand up for our rights," said Mervin's mother, Latrisha Majors. "This is not fair. We can't allow security guards to abuse our children."
Majors, her daughter, the student who taped the incident and his sister were arrested on suspicion of battery Sept. 18.
The students were suspended from school, and Majors spent the night in jail before being released by deputies the next morning, Majors said.
Organizers said they expect more than 100 parents and students to be at the protest scheduled for 7 a.m. at the school.
Antelope Valley Union High School District officials said they could not comment specifically on the incident, which is being investigated.
"Our goal (today) is to make sure kids can get into school and into class and make it a normal school day," Assistant Superintendent Tim Azevedo said in reference to the protest.
Organizer Najee Ali, director of Project Islamic Hope, referred to the four arrested as the Palmdale Four, reminiscent of the Jena Six beating case in Louisiana where the arrest of six African-American students sparked a debate about racism.
Ali said race is involved in the Palmdale case. He said other black parents have complained about mistreatment and a double standard at Knight High and other Antelope Valley high schools.
"This situation of black students being beaten and mistreated by racist high school staff members is reminiscent of the Old South," Ali said. "We are seeing a continued national pattern of black students being abused, whether it's the Jena Six or whether it's the Palmdale Four."
(661) 267-5744
Man I think this is so crazy. Our valley use to be semi-safe, but this sucks. Just last week my cousin's house was completley ransaked. WHoever stole the wall safe, all of my cousin's guns and pee'd on their bed. They completley ruined everything including my cousin's hw for the eigth grade. They had seminal fluid on her hw. WTF? Why are people so screwed up. Ugh I really hate living here.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:28 AM
Monday, September 24, 2007
Well, it's that time of the year again. As the night of All Hallows eve approaches, I find myself wondering what costume I am going to where. I own a really cute crinalin skirt that you put under like a maid costume and I really need to use it. It cost like 40 bucks and I've only worn it twice. So give me some ideas people. What should i be?
I want a list of the top 5 choices!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:20 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
OMG! So Amazing
So this morning, Kevin told me to go check out everyone running for the Presidency in 2008. He had stumbled upon a list and found some interesting characters. We found the most amazing by far running under the republican party. His name is Jesus Micheal Archangel. He is the author of the Bible, has telepathic powers with god and his big brother Jesus and also hates many many things. If you go to his website, (which I suggest you check out!) , You will find many of his interesting ideas. He is so funny. We just spent the last 30 minutes reading his web page and looking at the stupid shit he believes in. I also called his phone number that is posted online, but it won't accept blocked calls. He also believes that he is working for the CIA, and once fought in Vietnam. Hmmm! Wait until you see this guy! It will make your day for sure! If you want to check out some of the other crazies running for President go to this site!
Peace and Love
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
3:11 AM
My Birthday.
So today was not my birthday, but I decided to have my "party" today. I wanted to do beerfest because it seemed fun. Thanks to those who came! YAY for you. I can still hear beer pong going on in the Kitchen. It sounds like Anthony is winning. I want to go play zip fizz and I am totally going to win. Right. I accidently had a a little run in with the cap'n and man my slurpee was very good. But I'm not in a beer mood right now. I guess my pirate has taken over! Ok well I am going to go partake in the good time happening in the other room! yay go you. You rock my world!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:46 AM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
When I was a kid and thought of the Bible, I always visualized certain things. Today after the disastrous rain of yesterday, the world was Beautiful. Though it rained most of my drive to Duarte, I was ok with that. When I arrived the sky was blissfully serene. In my mind the world would have looked like this after the flood of Noah. The sun was pouring through the clouds, but only in patches and when it came time for sunset, it was aw inspiring. If the people of our world could be as simple and beautiful as the clouds were in the sky today, I would find nothing wrong with our troubled world!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
7:37 PM
I hate Driving.
Well tonight at about 11:30 I decided to drive down to Duarte. The weather was fine when I left, but as soon as I made it out of the A.V, boom, the rain hits. I have never driven in the rain before and man was I scared. We are talking like Noah released the flood again. My little car was hydro-plaining. Ahhh it was so scary. I made it to Sand Canyon, (where the In'N'Out is), and pulled over. I waited in the parking lot for the rain to subside. It didn't. "God" didn't even let up a little. I walked across the parking lot in flip flops, and tried to call my brother's friend Brian. The call went through and as soon as he said, "Hello" the phone went dead. WTF! So I was stuck in Sand Canyon with gail force rain and wind and I was scared to death. After about 15 minutes, I decided to try to make it there. I went to the freeway and began my drive. Oops, too bad I got on the 14 North. FUCK! Right, I was heading back home. UGH. I was passed by 3 semi's and I only got up to about 60 for like 3 minutes. For the rest of the time I was driving 40. I arrived home at 1:11 and am now at Sarah's house. We are going to eat Stir-fry. HEHE, though Sarah always knows how to make my life better. While cooking, she dumbed like half the bottle of Celery Salt on the meat. It was really funny. In the background right now I hear Sarah's mom yelling at her because it is two in the morning and Sarah cooked her roast that is or was going to be used for dinner tonight. OOPS! NOW her mom is yelling at her. DUDE just go back to bed, She is a grown up and knows what she is doing. I bet she is just hungry! Ok well I am going to go watch the mad woman at work!
Peace and Love
P.S. Drive Safely!
It's scary out there....
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
2:01 AM
Friday, September 21, 2007
Across the Universe, Part Deux
So I went to the movies tonight with Sarah and saw The Nanny Diaries. Cute, a little predictable, but if you want sweet enough for a toothache! It is perfect. Anyways, in my frustration about Across the Universe, I questioned the Lady behind the counter. She said the director hasn't decided which cut he wants to release nationwide. Well make up your damn mind before you get my hopes up. The lady assured my the movie would be here sometime in October! Yay! I get to see my movie. Ahh too bad it is going to take sooo long. Sorry katfran! We will have to postpone our date. But how about a trip to Sprinkles or Pinkberry? I haven't been to either, but I hear rave reviews! Hmm get back to me on that one! I want to do some of those must see SoCal "touristy" things before I move!
Ok I'm outtie!
I looked really cute tonight by the way!
Just thought I would fill you in!
Peace and Love, Bros'
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:39 AM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Picture Madness!
This is the Wedding party!
Old pic of the couple!
Anthony turns 25!
THe Siblings!
This is Jimmy, My cousin Holly and Myself, a long time ago!
Man I love posting pictures! Just with theses simple pics I felt a huge range of emotions. From reminiscing the good ol' days, to sadness at the loss of other things and then just plain comedy and the fact of how stupid I look in some of them. Man my dress was really fricking short. Sometimes I find myself Loving the dress and then the next minute I'm like WTF? Oh well, it is in the past!
Ugh and by the way, the Movie, Across the Universe isn't playing in the A.V. FUck, yeah that pisses me off. Our stupid redneck valley, won't play it. Ugh I wish I could shove a dull pointed stick right up the conservative asshole, who decided not to play this film. RGGGH I really want to see it. By the way, yesterday was talk like a pirate day and I had some fun with that. Brr it's cold here and my dad made soup. That bugs me about the cold weather everyone wants to make soup. I am not really a fan of soup, but w/e! I just realized how I jumped from topic to topic. That is annoying. I wish I could be more disciplined in my writing. Though assume that is why I started this blog. Ok, well I am going to go now. I am super bored and really want to watch a movie. Though I don't like doing that by myself, because times are better when you can watch a movie with someone! Then you can hear the others laugh and you know you aren't just laughing at something stupid yourself. Meh oh well! I'm going to call Sarah I think, because maybee she will want to hang out.
Signing off!
Peace and Love
Oh, and you should come to my party this weekend! It will be AmAZING!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
6:16 PM
Pictures and What Not!
So this is ANthony and my aunt Sandy!
So here is a pic of my mom. She was Hott I guess!
Yep That is WIlda Wallace
She could kick your ass too!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
6:08 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Across the Universe
Looks like an amazing movie. Every single commercial I see draws me towards it. It seems like 1 big acid trip or something. Since I myself will never partake in that avenue of the drug realm... I really want to see the movie. It is a musical with The Beatles doing the whole soundtrack. There is this scene where they are by a strawberry wall, and the song Strawberry Feilds forvever is playing and it looks so cool. It is about the Vietnam war. It just looks really good. A musical, with witty drug humor, liberal political views and an amazing cinematography! You just can't get better than that. I totally want to go see it this week. AHHHH I can't wait. It bugs me that I haven't gone and seen it yet. I have proposed a trip to the cinema with my friend Kathryn! Hopefully she can come, otherwise I think I will make the trip by myself and see the flick. I will do a follow-up blog because I think this movie will change my life!
Peace and Love
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:23 PM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Wedding Madness
Well Today was the big day. Anthony tied the knot. It went off very nicely and I had a lot of fun. I did pound a couple of beers and that was fun too. My dress was quite short and I thought that would have been more of a problem, but it wasn't. Because I looked cute! I got to hang with some cool cats too! Yay go friends, because really mine are the best of the lot. Well I am going to go home and chill with my friend Dean and we are going to watch a movie. I left the wedding early because my date wanted to peace out and I haven't had the ability to hang out with him, so I left. Now I have like 5 hrs to do nothing, so we are going to watch movies! Thank God for good friends!
Peace and Love Guys
and I wish Anthony and Amanda the best of luck!
Oh Oh and it was soooooo much fun dancing with Janet! She is amazing. Sorry I didn't say goodbye! I totally forgot, but I just called you!
Lots of Love
The Dizz
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:19 AM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The best part about waking up....
Well I can't think of anything after the way my head felt this morning. Man but in hindsight we sure had fun. This morning we went to chronic tacos and I had the best taco ever. My morning actually started at about 11. I went to bed at 3 and got up at 8:30 so today I have been very tired. But it seems I didn't get motivated until 11ish. Anthony, Amanda and I then went to Santa Clarita to finish last minute things for the wedding! We are getting up at 6:00 AM to go to the flower district. I think I'm going to need a starbucks to make it through that... I haven't been up that early, well in quite awhile. We are currently tying ribbons on bottles of wine for the wedding, well I'm not, because I am typing, but you get the gist. We still need to fold the programs and some other random stuff. I am super tired.
Now I have another incident that I realized in hindsight. My dress for the wedding is quite short. It looks really cute, but none the less it is still really short. Oh well!! As long as it looks good. I decided what I am going to do my hair. It is going to be puffy in the front and then pulled back with a flower in it and really curly! Sarah is doing my makeup so it should look pretty nice. It just seems like this wedding sprung upon us so fast! I can't wait to get my buggy on though. HHEHE my date should look cute. He is wearing all black and a maroon tie. That will look good. Oh OH OH by the way I got a really cute shirt for my birthday! It is a peace sign made out of flowers and then the stems go down into the word peace! I love it. I'm actually wearing it right now. I'm kinda hungry currently and I really want a PinkBerry yogurt. I've never had one, but we didn't go today! That's ok. Well I am going to go act like i'm working so that I can doze off!
Peace and Love
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:18 PM
Bachelorette and My Bday!
As I write this I feel the effect of the Lemon Drop, Adios, 2 Beers, Pina Colada's, and Margaritta's are still taking effect! The night began with a penis shaping contest out of playdo! Diane won!!!!!!! She made the best penis. Then we were all dressed up and went to schooners for the strippers. When we got there, we were informed that they cancelled that 4 months ago. WTF. I called on Monday and they told me that it still happens... they should get together and talk and get their facts straight! So we chilled at schooners for a lil while, got out drunk on and then Anthony came and picked us up! We went back to my house, called up some friends and throw a last minute party. Amanda took her normal position as shot fairy and our drunkness was secure at that point! With 2 shots of rumplmintz under our belts the night was fun. A boy showed up and made the night even more entertaining... but we aren't getting into that! We cut the penis shaped cake and I'm not sure who ate that becuase I was watching Beerfest in my room! I am sure that I will have ants tomorrow because there are still remnants of margarittas around somewhere. Tonight was fun and I can't wait for the wedding. Only 3 days to go!!! YAYAYAY OMG. This is going to be so exciting. Not to mention I am going to look fabulous. Pictures will follow! Type to you soon!
P.S. Mike is back from Thailand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYA I really missed that guy!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
3:43 AM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
19 years old and a trip to the Sex Shoppe!
Today I entered a store located on Palmdale Blvd, called Naughty by Night. In the first room you are bombarded with lingerie, games, penis shaped straws, glow sticks, body lotions, condoms... etc. When you enter the much larger room to the right of the entrance, there are movies, I mean I didn't know this much porn existed. Holy Shit people must be having sex all the time. It was wall to ceiling, IDK, how big, but holy crap there were so many movies. ugh I was weirded out instantly. Then we were directed to the back room, on our( being Sarah and myself) walk back we noticed the huge bong collection which was sold at a different counter. Sarah and I both commented "Holy Crap, look at all the bongs" The manager politley walked back and pointed at a sign hanging above the counter and then said, " The terminology in this store is very important." The sign read, These are water and hand pipes for tobacco use. If you mention drugs or bongs you will be asked to leave. We giggled it off and he continued to direct us to the back chamber. Wow, when we got back there, a gi-normous woman was sitting behind the counter in a room filled with like 500 different kinds of dildos. WTF. Who needs that much of a selection. Sarah and I were so embarrased. Ugh. Then we both agreed that the people working there thought that sarah and I were "partners." It was quite entertaining. We left with Penis shaped straws and 20 differnt kinds of lube for the goodie-bags for the bachelorette party! Wish me the best of luck I hope it goes well!
P.S. It's my birthday right now. I have been 19 for 39 minutes. How do I feel, the same. I am just very tired because I was decorating and shopping all day and the construction of the penis shaped cake that Sarah and I just made actually took a lot of effort. I will post pictures when I get them developed!
Peace and Love
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
12:28 AM
Monday, September 10, 2007
The Mind numbing hole, formally known as the T.V

But on and educational benifit I found a channel called Current. It is all about young people and what they are doing to empower themselves and save the world. Young adults create pods about things that interest them and then Current plays them on T.V. and creates discussion about the issues that you displayed in your pod. The movies can be however long you want and about whatever you want. It is pretty amazing and I love watching it. The shows range from things like The Burning Man( mentione

Ok now that I am done rambling I am going to go... watch T.V.! I think there is a new survivor man on and he is in Africa! Sounds thrilling! Thank you Al Gore, you have made my days much more educational.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
8:27 PM
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Where does the time go?
Well yesterday was Tierney's Installation into IORG as Worthy advisor. She looked beautiful and it went off amazingly. Last week was directed at finishing decorations, writing speeches and just plain trying to finish everything that our young worthy advisor left for the last minute. Now with the last week approaching before my brother's matrimony, I feel there is no time. I am planning a stellar bridal shower for Wednesday, which is also my 19th birthday. My friend Mike flies in from Thailand and I can't wait to see him. You never realize how much you miss someone until they are gone and man I missed that guy. The rehearsal is on friday and then the wedding is on saturday! Finally, I will have a break, not my birthday party is happening next saturday. The 22nd. It has a beerfest theme! Yay break out your leiderhosen! I wish my brother and soon to be sister in law the best of luck, even though we don't need the fomality to be sisters because I have felt that closeness since the first oppurtunity we had to hang out and get to know each other. I'm tired and my bug bites itch.... yes all 25 of them, which I recieved while visiting my Sister-In-Law, Janet, while in Davis! Oh yeah. Check out her blog.
It is amazing!
Ok Peace and Love FriendS
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
7:22 PM
Thursday, September 6, 2007
My dress Pt.3
Well after my last vent about the dress for my brother's wedding... the situation has been resolved. I went to the fashion district once again last week and finally got my dress! It is really cute. It has thin halter straps and is gathered around the "boob area" and then goes out into and A-Line skirt. There is a little jewel... which is kinda whack, but my mom likes it. So w/e! I have no idea what to do with my hair though. With my "scene-cut" there isn't much that can be done. My top layer is only like 2inches long! YIKES! OH WELL. I will figure it out. I am bitter that I can't go to the bachelorette party this weekend, but what can you do. Shit, people are bound to have time conflicts. I just hope Amanda has fun. Things have not been good between my brother and I lately. My younger brother slapped me yesterday... his temper has been out of control. He punched a huge hole in the wall. What is my parents response? Well, what did you do to him? Who give a flying fuck. Violence isn't the answer and not that they stepped in as parents while I was growing up, but come on. Your youngest son is about to join the "thug life" just like our cousin and uncle and nobody is doing shit to stop it. My older brother, well we haven't talked in like 2 weeks. He feels that we are "too close" as siblings... oh well what can you do right. Other people get in our buisness too and then stir the pot even more. I CAN STICK UP FOR MYSELF... LEAVE ME ALONE. IF I DON"T COME TO YOU FOR HELP, I DON'T NEED IT. Discard that last thought for all of you reading this. The one that is intended for knows who they are and the fact that evening hearing their voice makes me go crazy. And not in the Oh-so-hot way! Hopefully my brother and I will work this out before his big day. I don't want to go into this event with resentment towards him and vice versa. Though my assumption is that once again we will just sweep our feelings under the rug, which is what our family is famous for. Why express when you can supress.
Well this went from a rant about my dress to thoughts on my family so I am done.
Peace and Love to you
Have a good weekend
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:11 PM
The Burning Man
Once a year, in Nevada, thousands of people gather to live a life of free expression. The gathering is held at a place called the Playa. The Playa is a dried lake bed in the middle of the Nevade desert. I believe they call the place Black Lake City. The event began sometime in the 80's with about 300 people present. At last years event over 40,000 people attend. This year's Burning Man was held last week. 8/26-9/2. The creaters' virtually build a city and then allow people to come and live there for 1 week. There are no rules or obligations that the people must follow. It is like 1 big experiment to see how people act in such a situation. While researching this event that pictures are amazing. Most of the people that attend bring some art to contribute and it is one big city of creativity. Throughout the week they hold classes, such as Makeout lessons 101, cleansing of the soul, taro card reading, painting, body painting, karma sutra. All kinds of things for all kinds of people. Those who attend come from all over the world. People sleep in trailers or bring their own tents. It seems so amazing. I am considering attending next year. If anyone has been or has any input let me know! There is a bus that leaves from San Fran and takes you all the way there and back. Oh did I tell you the best thing about this festival.... IT"S FREE!!!!!!!!!!! I feel this is our generations version of Woodstock and I don't want to miss out on such and extreme oppurtunity!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
9:04 PM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Classes and what not...
So I went to the college today to add some classes, man it sucks. I have always worked at the college while taking classes there and it is much easier having those connections. I need to take 12 units so I get my financial aid money... but damn it all of the classes are filled. Though that is to be expected. I guess I will try to register for online classes through Cabrillo. Maybee that will work out easier!
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:53 AM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Life's "dot dot dot"
SO why do people have to be so manipulative just to get a few bucks? Last weekend I went to the Garment District in downtown LA to purchase a dress for my brother's wedding. Now I had already purchased one... but it wasn't really matching the feung shui of everybody elses. So I went again. This time I found the perfect dress: short, but cute, the perfect color and stylish to boot. Problem... they don't have the color I need in the store. But in an hard to understand english accent the guy promises me that I will have it by thursday. Hell they will even ship it to my house. So excited and full of anticipation as I wait for my PERFECT dress to arrive I fill the week with randomness as always. (Though on a lighter note... I did apply for a job today!) So anyways in the completley mind dulling boredom that I face on the daily, my phone rings. It is a women with a rough English dialect. "excuse me,... Yes, Is this Nicole... Yes" Oh I'm sorry we have dis-continued the dress you bought and we wanted to apologize. WTF! Yeah I was so pissed off. Hello, I paid extra and put good faith in these people that it would arrive and they just call and apologize and ask me to come down and pick another one... Why would they have had me purchase it in the first place. I asked 3 times while in the store if they had the dress in the color I needed and the man said yes... three different times. To what avail? Maybee they wanted a bitter diatribe from me over the phone because that is what they got. Now I have to wait 2 weeks and hope I can find something. Well those evil, discount sellers better be ready for me because I am going to rip downtown LA a new one, when I try for part 3 of my dress hunt.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
11:59 PM
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
What happened to our motivation?
To the left is an image captured at a peace rally in the 60's. Look at the motivation and enthusiasm these individuals held for a cause they believed in. In our day all I see of our "causes" is a lot of talk. People have no problem opening their mouths and ranting about how bad President Bush is doing or how global warming will soon take over, but when asked what have they done. A glazed over look will appear and they will try to divert your attention with some other bitter diatribe. I wish we could re-kindle the passion that our parents and grandparents felt in the days of Haight-Ashbury. If you don't like the war, start a protest. Do you want gay rights? Well right a letter to your fucking local senator. Sitting there day after day, running your mouth to the same old people isn't going to do anything. You are wasting time and just spewing more carbon dioxide into the air. Stand up, shout, try and make a difference. There are so many oppurtunities at our hands to make a difference and it seems that we accomplish none of them. Now I am not saying that nobody helps. Because there are individuals who take the steps to break through the impetuious doom that our country is inevitably heading towards. To those people I commend you. You truly are making a difference. For the rest of us... I feel empathetic. If we don't step up and follow the paths and steps that our parents did 40 years ago... What is going to happen? What will the Post-Bush America look like if we don't help straighten the narrow path our country is already on? When our time of need comes and every other country turns their backs on us, because we did the same thing to them, who are we to blame? Nobody but ourselves and here the problem lays. A revolution of sorts must begin or our country of "democracy" and "freedom" will inevitably fall to the wayside.
Posted by
NorthBound Riders
3:26 PM
Labels: Revolution?